Liar Liar Pants on Fire
¿Donde Está La Biblioteca?
Media Literacy
Core Memories
Info Dump

I was born in Michigan.

I used to think the "I" in highway names stood for Illinois. 

My mom's family is from British Columbia, Canada. 

I was born in Michigan.


I graduated from this Spanish language program at Hanover Highlands Elementary School. 

Dual Language Program.


This Netflix original TV show about a stalker features an actor from the hit series Gossip Girl as the lead character.

You, starring Penn Badgley


I was convinced to join this sport junior year of high school and ended up having the time of my life.

Cross Country.


The country in which the Afro-Carribean sacrificial religion "Santería" originated.



Three of my childhood crushes were... 

Rosalina (Mario Kart)

Ross Lynch (Disney Channel)

Rodrick (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)

Rodrick (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)


I bring this staple stuffed animal to and fro college with me.

Penguin, from penguins of madegascar, named Rico.


Staring in a 2012 young adult movie series based on the popular book trilogy by the same name, this actor became popular on TikTok through edits featuring the song "Ride" by Sir Mix a Lot. 

Josh Hutcherson, The Hunger Games.


I saw this boy band perform at Soldier Field during their 2019 Love Yourself Tour. 



Andries van Wezel, published "On the Fabric of the Human Body in seven books," in this year cementing him as the Father of Human Anatomy for his ground-breaking publication in human anatomy detailing a human disection. 



I popped my mom's car tire in a Starbucks drive though. 

I found cocaine at work. 

I hit a kid on a bike while driving.

I hit a kid while driving.


I would play cats on the playground with this best friend from elementary school who I am still close with.



This telenovela-inspired TV series revolves around the plot line of an artifical insemination performed on the wrong woman. 

Jane the Virgin.


This Ohian Viner turned Youtuber, released a diss track in 2017 before his deadly controversy. 

Logan Paul.


Before oil paint reached Europe, medieval painters mixed pigment with this emulsifier. 

Egg yolk. 


My favorite car karaoke songs include... 

Bonfire by Childish Gambino

HOT TO GO by Chappel Roan

Baby Got Back by Sir Mix a Lot

HOT TO GO by Chappel Roan


I began reading this young adult science fiction series when I was eight and it is my earliest memory of having to wait for the next book to be released to read it. 

The Lunar Chronicles. 


This 2012 Nickelodeon animated sequel TV series to its 2005 predecessor was praised for its high production value and how it introduced mature themes to a younger audience. 

Legend of Korra.


Despite being obsessed with the fandom and movies since 2014, I didn't read this original book series until 2020.

Harry Potter


The ships "Manilla Galleons" took Asian goods from Manilla to this European final destination. 

Bonus: The ships stopped in this North American city to transport goods from the west side of the continent to the east side. 


Bonus: Accapulco, Mexico. 


All throughout elementary school, I was one out of five white kids in my class. 

I have a cousin in prison for murder.

In 8th grade I had a collapsed lung.

In 8th grade I had a collapsed lung.


I wore a specific pair of leggings with this pattern on them.

Bonus! A skirt with an equally flamboyant pattern was often paired with those leggings. 

Space galaxies and unicorns. 

Bonus: I paired it with a pink sequin leopard print skirt. 


Rosewood, Pennsylvania is the home to this 2010s teen drama in which a character has a long-term relationship with her English teacher. 

Pretty Little Liars.


This Draco Malfoy vampire fanfiction, which shares the name with a 2003 Evanescence song, was published on between 2006-2007 by two teenage girls named Tara and Raven. Over the years many people have claimed to be authors but all have turned out to be false. 

My Immortal. 


The Church of Latter-Day Saints is based on scripture written on the golden plates Mormon founder Joseph Smith allegedly found in this East Coast state. 

New York. 
