Review #1
Review #1
Review #2
Review #2
Review #2

which 2 European countries led the competition in navigating the expanding trade routes in the 1400s and into the 1500s

The Portugal and Spain


What tribes made up the Iroquois Confederacy? Where were they located in north America? Whose side did they take in the French and Indian war?

Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, and Seneca. The Upper New York, Antonio, and upstate, sections of Pennsylvania. They sided ith the British.


How did Alexander Hamilton die?

When the wars ended he was killed(mortally wounded), by Aaron burr in NJ.


What inspired Francis Scott key to write the poem National Anthem, The star Spangled Banner?

After an anxious night during the British attack on Fort Mchenry, he wrote a poem celebrating the American's resistance and attacked him in Baltimore.


Who proposed the Great Compromise? What would happen to the country's new legislature? 

Roger  Sherman of CT: There would be bi-cameral legislature with one house that would be equal.


what were the 3 G's that explorers sought to spread or gain for themselves during the age of the exploration?

God-wanted to spread Christianity

Gold-get wealthy

Glory-become famous


What was the Sugar Act? What parts made colonists angry?

 A strongly enforced tax on sugar, molasses, and other products imported into the American colonies from non-British Caribbean sources.British government because no one represented their needs. Run by novel officers, decided whether, colonists were guilty of smuggling, violating some of their rights.


What did the Louisiana purchase do to the size of the U.S.? How much did we pay for it? Who did we buy it from?

The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the U.S. making it one of the largest nations in the world. Costs 15 million dollars. France, the United States, April 30th, 1803, President Thomas Jefferson.


What did the Treaty of Paris do? where were its items?

Ending the American Revolution U.S. got land from the Atlantic to the Mississippi River, recognized as an independent nation, British troops recognized U.S. independence and the delineation of boundaries that would allow for American western expansion. 


How did farwmers at the constitutional convention attempt to deal with the issue of slavery in the U.S.?

With the 3/5 compromise: slaves would count 3/5 of a free person for representation and taxation purposes.


What was the middle passage? What were some of the terrible conditions faced by Africans during this journey to the New World?

Ship crews packed humans together on or below decks without space to sit up or love to different places—Epidermis of fever, dysentery(the flux), and smallpox.


What was the stamp act? How did colonists respond to this act?

The act required colonists to pay taxes and be represented by a stamp. "No Taxation without Presentation", they were forced to pay tax which was not agreed upon.


What were the 3 main objectives of Lewis and Clark's mission?

To establish a trade network across the country, find out if there's a northwest passage to the Pacific Ocean. To befriend the American Indians encountered, map land. To confirm or deny the theory of an all-water northwest, document plants, animals, and people.


Who were the writers of the following documents?

Declaration of Independence-Thomas Jefferson

The U.S. Constitution-James Madison


Name and explain the 3 parts of the constitution, What are the first 10 amendments called?

The preamble, article, and amendments: The Bill of Rights.


Define Columbian Exchange,

A process by which plants, animals, diseases, people cultures, and ideas have been introduced to Europe, Asia, and Africa and vice versa.


What were the Coercive/ Intolerable Acts and their parts? Why were these put in place?

The Boston part act, the Massachusetts government act, the Administration of Justice act, and the Quartering act. To punish the colony of Massachusetts bay for the Boston Tea party.


What group was responsible for attacking our ships even after paying tribute? Where were they from?

The Barbary pirates, north coast of Africa states.


What event convinced Washington to come out of retirement?

Daniel shay's rebellion for Massachusetts


What rights of expression are included in the 1st amendment of the consitution?

Freedom of speech, press, religion, petition, and assembly.


Why were Britain and France competing for control of the Ohio River valley?  What did this competition lead to? Who wins?

To link their land holdings, control key, trade rivers, and expand their territories. It leads to having food ad furs to sell or trade. The British Americans win.


Why could Paul Revere's engraving of the Boston Massacre be considered Propaganda?

Because the British are lined up and an officer is giving an order to fire, implying the British soldiers are aggressors.


What were the 2 main reasons the U.S. went to war with the British in the war of 1812?

Because of the British orders in the council that limited American trade with Europe and impressment. And because the royal navy practiced taking seamen for American merchant vessels to fill out the crews of its own chronically undermanned warships, attacks on the USS Chesapeake by the British.


Why was Washington chosen to preside over the Constitutional Convention?

He was the only person that Europe trusted enough to ensure the convention would not set up a state's population and one house where all were set.


What is the dirty 4 letter word that means the country or government owes money?

National DEBT
