
When your sibling has their friends over, you want to play with them, but they say you can't. How can you handle the situation?

You should try to work it out together by compromising on an amount of time or a round of an activity. It is also okay to ask your parent to help work it out.


Tim and Eric get into a big argument about using each other's toys without asking.

Take space from each other give yourselves time to cool off. Then create boundaries or rules with each other (ask for permission).


A classmate is too close to you, and you are not in the mood. What should you do?

1.) ask the classmate to give you space


2.) you can calmly move away


You are at the movie theater with your friends and your friend takes the seat you wanted

sit somewhere else, tell them you wanted the seat, compromise


True or false: Can penguins fly?



Your sibling makes a big mess in your room and it frustrates you. Instead of getting mad you can

ask them to clean up, talk to your parents. Stay calm!


Jake and Paul get into an argument because Terry keeps making plans to hang out and then cancels them.

Both parties should express their emotions using "I statements" and then find another time to hang out!


Your friend keeps hiding your pencils and thinks it's funny. You should...

  1. Cool off and talk it over or find a teacher or grownup


Who is someone you can ask to help you solve a problem in the community?

friend, IK staff/community helper, parent/family member,


Is a tomato a vegetable or fruit?

It is a fruit.


You and your brother are both fighting over who gets to play the Wii next.

Talk it out and find a compromise like taking turns, picking another activity or playing together.


You have plans to go to your friends house but they cancel on you again! How does this make you feel and what can you do

Sad, hurt. express your emotions  and then find another time to hang out!


Two students in class both want to pick the same topic for a project, but only one is allowed.

The students should try to compromise first and if they cannot, ask the teacher to listen and try to help. 


Your friend took a pack of gum from the grocery store and asked you not to tell. You feel like you should say something but don't want to upset your friend.

First talk to you friend and explain that they should put it back. If they do not, tell your parent, even if it is uncomfortable. 


What is the fastest land animal?

A cheetah


You and your sister are arguing about which game to play first, but you can't agree, what should you do?

You can compromise!


Lucy and Demingo are discussing pizza. Lucy enjoys pineapple on her pizza, and shares this with Demingo. Demingo gags and tells Lucy her opinion is stupid and she should be ashamed! Lucy is upset that her friend called her stupid and says "Demingo… That was really mean.." Demingo huffs and states "Whatever! That's just my opinion!"

 Explain to Demingo that he doesn't need to like pineapple on pizza, but at the same time he also doesn't need to be mean to Lucy over liking a food that he doesn't.


What would you do if the person next to you was talking and you couldn't focus on your work?

ask them to stop, ask them to move, move yourself


You are in line to play a game at the arcade on the boardwalk, and another kid cut you off in line. 

You let them know that you are in line, kindly let them know where the back of the line is, then let an adult know if they do not move.


Name three fruits that start with the letter "B." 

Banana, blueberry, blackberry, 


Your mom or dad says you have to turn off the tv, but you don't want to. Instead of yelling or getting mad, how should you respond?

Take a deep breath, calmly ask your mom or dad if you can have more time. If they say no, move on!


A friend takes your snack at lunch. You should...

Politely ask your friend to return the item. If that fails, seek out an adult


A peer in your class starts to get mad, throws things and begins bullying a classmate when the teacher steps out of the room. When the teacher comes back the student is crying. 

Tell the teacher what happened, stand up to the bully, check on your friend or classmate 


Your friend took your bike and rode it around the neighborhood without asking. What should you do first?

Let the friend know that they should have asked to take the bike first. 


Which Disney princess has a pet tiger named Rajah? 

