Well, that's embarrassing
music and movies
Little known facts

This incident as a two year brought the fire department out in full force.

What is pulling the fire alarm at church?


As a four year, old he would ponder and question this law of physics.

BONUS: However, he ignored it when he jumped off a cliff this high.

What is gravity?

Bonus: What is 80 feet


What are the words to Josh's personal baby song?

BONUS: what was his family nick name as a baby?

Words to song

Bonus: King Josh


What was the first bone he broke, how and how old?  

Bonus: What was the second bone he broke, how and how old?

What is his nose on the toilet, 2 years old?

BONUS: his arm on the monkey bars, 4 years old


He was never jealous of his baby brother, in fact he loved him so much we had to do this?

BONUS: He grew to love his match box cars nearly as much as Carter so when Josh was 4 he made a sign and put it on his door. What did it say?

What is hide Carter in the closet?

BONUS: No toos alowed


As a one and 2 year old we couldn't stop you from doing this with the "balls" in the store.

Throwing round fruit and vegies.


As an 8 year old, rather than memorize his times tables, he would use this method to get the answers.

BONUS: What game will mom not play with you ever again?

What is create algebraic equations.


Even though this is literally the WORST T.V. series of all time it was Josh's very favorite as a young toddler.

What is Teletubbies?


There is a national park with the same name we gave the cause of this incident that happened when he was 11.

What is Joshua Tree?


Why did he used to run around with underwear on is head?

what is to dress up like spidey?


Because he was so strong it made doing this incredibly hard for us to do this, but it worse when he decided to start doing it himself. 

What is changing his diapers?


As a preschooler he told me this was the only person smarter than him.

Who is Jesus?


This was Josh's first favorite song.

What is "Who let the dogs out"?


He skied down the hill both when he broke his face and his knee but passed out when he had to give this?

What is blood?


 He was the youngest Cooper kid to do this, which is a real accomplishment in this family.

What is riding a bike without training wheels at 2 years old?


This definitely was a nerdy moment.

What is making a dance video to "White and Nerdy" and posting it on you tube?


At young men's camp why was Jessie Byam yelling, "not it the mouth, not in the mouth!"

What is setting off a fire cracker between you teeth?


It may seem inconceivable, but Josh watched this movie hundreds of times as a preschooler.

BONUS: Would Josh choose to not shower or not brush his teeth for a month?

What is Princess Bride?

BONUS: ????


He was on this stairway when he had an accident and took a nap.

What is hitting a tree on Stairway to heaven at 4 years old?


What is Josh's super power?

Bonus: Give some examples

What is self-discipline.


Healthy eating

scripture study

Ice cold showers

study habits


This literally drew the attention of Scouts Canada when he did this?

What is zip-lining naked?


What did you tell mom your two middle names were as a child?

What is Ua and James?


What song did he have the DJ put on as he hip hop danced center stage for about 200 hundred BYU students?

What is "Low" by Flo Rida?


The 5 times he has had stiches in his head.

Fall off the fence, At Aidens house, MacDonalds dock, facial reconstruction, brain surgery.


Josh's first pet from the pet store.

What scary wild animal did Josh catch and hold?

What is Daniel the cricket?

What is a shark?
