What is the opposite of "happy"?
Fill in the blank: She ___ to the store yesterday.
How do you ask for directions to the nearest bank?
Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bank is?
Complete the sentence: "The book ___ I borrowed was fascinating."
Change to passive: "She writes a letter."
A letter is written by her.
What is a synonym for "quick"?
What is the past tense of "eat"?
What do you say when you need help in a store?
Excuse me, can you help me?
Identify the relative clause: "The girl who lives next door is my friend."
who lives next door
Change to passive: "They built the house in 2010."
The house was built in 2010.
What does "enormous" mean?
Which word is a noun: quickly, beautiful, table, run?
How do you apologize for being late?
I’m sorry I’m late.
Complete the sentence: "The man ___ car was stolen reported it to the police."
Identify the passive sentence: "The cake was baked by John" or "John baked the cake."
The cake was baked by John.
What is the adjective form of "beauty"?
Correct the sentence: "He don’t like apples."
What do you say when you don’t understand something?
Can you please repeat that?
Which is correct? "The cake, which was delicious, was eaten quickly" or "The cake, that was delicious, was eaten quickly."
The cake, which was delicious, was eaten quickly.
Change to passive: "The company will launch a new product next month."
A new product will be launched by the company next month.
What is a "synonym"?
A word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word
What is the comparative form of "good"?
How do you order a coffee in a cafe?
I’d like a coffee, please.
Combine the sentences using a relative clause: "I met a woman. She is a famous author."
I met a woman who is a famous author.
$500: Change to passive: "Someone has stolen my bike."
My bike has been stolen.