Scholarships & Tuition
Majors and Minors
Application Requirements
Myth and Fact

How much is tuition for a single semester at BYU?



What major deals with learning to program computers, and solve real world problems using those programs?

Computer Science


How much does it cost to submit an application to a college?

Usually there is an application fee around $30.


True or False: BYU is the only school that can give you an education in a spiritually uplifting environment.

False!  One of my close friends had a horrible experience at BYU, and found himself in a much better emotional and spiritual situation at the University of Utah.


If you have further questions about college, who can I ask?

Me.  Or your parents.


What is the most expensive school in the state of Utah?

Westminster, SLC


True or False: My major determines what I will do for a career for the rest of my life.

False!  Many professionals have degrees unrelated to their field of work.  Not in all cases, but in many, having any degree makes you a better candidate for a job, regardless of what that degree is in.


True or False:
In order to apply to a college I need to have already decided on my major.

False!  Many students don't declare a major until their second year at a university.


True or False:
Post-secondary education is difficult, time consuming, and physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting.

Of course it is.  It's also rewarding, fun, empowering, and extremely worth it!  And best of all, you never have to do it alone.


If I'm planning to serve a mission after graduation, should I still apply for colleges now?

The short answer is, it's kind of up to you.  I didn't and it worked out okay, but I had 4 months after I got home before I started college, and my parents still had to do a bunch of stuff for me while I was gone.

Applying now and deferring is much easier.


True or False: Scholarships are available for all kinds of skills or life circumstances, not just good academic  history.

True!  Scholarships and grants are available from a variety of sources, including the university, the federal government, and third-parties for reasons even as obscure as being left handed!


How many undergraduate majors does BYU have that could lead to further education in a medical field?

At least 22.


What is the application deadline to be enrolled in classes in Fall of 2025 at BYU?

Priority deadline is Nov. 1st of '24 and actual deadline is Dec. 16th of '24.


True or False: If I don't have my major selected when I first arrive at college I will be behind my classmates.

False - there are many general courses that every student at a university needs to take, that can be taken even if you haven't decided on a career path or major yet.


How much does housing usually cost for an undergraduate?

Tons of different factors affect the cost of rent near a university.  Depending on the university, undergraduates can live on-campus or off-campus.  Sometimes the on-campus housing plans include meals, such as at the cannon center.  Depending on whether you want a private room, or how many people are in the apartment total (usually between 4 and 6) you may pay anywhere from 300/month to 1000/month.


How many years is a student eligible to receive FAFSA money (student financial aid from the federal government) for college?

Students are eligible to receive money from FAFSA for four consecutive years.


Name a major that would teach someone skills required to start their own business, or work effectively as an executive?

Business, Econ, Actuarial Science, Accounting


True or False: If I apply to a school and get accepted, but decide not to go, I will not be required to pay the first semester's tuition.

True!  Being accepted at a school does not obligate you to pay that school, nor does it obligate you to attend.


True or False: If I have a bad GPA or ACT score I likely won't be able to attend post-secondary education.

False.  Although these things are considered when colleges are determining who to accept, they are not always the determining factor.  I knew someone at BYU with an 18 on the ACT, and I also knew people with GPAs around 2.5.
Additionally, some schools (such as UVU) are considered open-enrollment, which means everyone who applies is accepted, regardless of academic history.


How many years of education are required to get a medical license?

Usually around nine years are required.


How much money do I need to have saved up before I should consider attending college?

Generally it's a good idea to have a couple of semesters worth saved up before going to college.  But college can be a goal, aspiration, or plan long before you have the money saved up.  There are countless ways to earn money for college, and there's nothing wrong with taking a break to work full time in order to pay for future semesters.


After how long in a program is it too late to change your major to a different one?

Most universities won't let you change your major after you've completed a certain number of credits toward it - usually it's about two and a half years into the program.


List three things an application might ask for, that would be used in determining who gets accepted into the college.

Essays, GPA, Extra-curriculars, ACT scores


True or False:
The benefits of attending college extend far beyond helping me find a high-paying job.

True.  Post secondary education improves our communication skills, our networking, helps us develop lifelong friends and commitments, and teaches us how to work through difficult situations.


List five things that you're most worried about for college.

I dunno, maybe I just spend some time discussing these things?
