How to start relationships
How to end relationships
Developing Relationships: Family
Developing Relationships: Friends
Developing Relationships: Romantic Partners

is the act of revealing personal or private information about oneself to another person 

What is self-disclosure 

Long distance relationships fail way more than a typical in person, what do long distance relationships lack

what is Touch and acts of service?
love languages such as touch and acts of service do not apply to long distance, (if people are not traveling to see each other)


Communication in these families emphasizes obedience to authority and the reluctance to share thoughts in feelings.

What is Protective families


In one study, more than _____ percent of the men surveyed said that their most meaningful experiences with friends came from shared activities.  

What is 75 %

This is the physical attraction and emotional arousal, often including sexuality (the "hot" component of love).

What is passion


The best type of relationship is 

What is In Person 


Too much of what good thing outside of moderation can ruin a relationship fairly easily

what is love/affection


Communication in these families is open and unrestrained, with all family members' contributions evaluated on their own merits.

What is Pluralistic families


____ are generally more skilled at doing so and are more likely to seek out female friends when they need this type of support."

What is Women 


This is arguably one of the most important parts of a romantic relationship, where both parties make the choice to be together.

What is commitment


there needs to be some type of ....... when starting a relationship 

What is attraction 


The three types of conflict styles within a relationship

(100 points for each answer, there are 3)

What is Volatile, Avoidant, and Validation


Communication within families is essential because children within those families will grow up to have what?

What is interpersonal skills


Social media have brought new dimensions to communicating with friends, research shows that social-networking sites are used primarily to maintain current friendships or to revive old ones rather than to build new relationships.

True of False

What is True 


These often mark the movement among stages in a relationship.

(hint, 3 words)

What is Relational turning points


It is important for both parties to have some ...... in common starting a relationship 

what are similarities (Hobbies, Activities)


When a person is unfaithful to their partner and pursues another woman by kissing, sexual intercourse, sneaky interactions, ect. is called what

what is Cheating on your partner


A family with high conversation orientation and high conformity orientation is what kind of family?

What is consensual


By contrast, men tend to disclose more personal information than Women, both in face-to-face relationships and online.

True or False?

What is False 


The closeness and connectedness one feels in a relationship is what?

What is intimacy


in order build a relationship both parties must put in this together .....

What is time and effort 


when a person acts romantically but their emotional state does not match their actions
for example: when a person says "love ya" to their partner at the end of a phone call even though they may not feel that way, or giving a hug/kiss in the midst of an argument

What is Deceptive Affection?


______ _______ (2 words) relates to how open families are to discussing a range of topics. Families who have a high amount of this will interact freely, often, and spontaneously.

What is Conversation Orientation


Some friendships will fade or end because of life changes, like finishing high school, moving away, switching jobs, or sharing different beliefs. What are these friendships?

What is short term

in a study of more than 2,200 participants, _______ was rated the most important competency for enduring success in romantic relationships.

What is communication
