This pet is known as "man's best friend" and comes in many breeds, including Labrador Retrievers and German Shepherds.
This famous baseball player is the father of the author, Sharon Robinson
Jackie Robinson
This is the name of the young boy who is the main character in "Butterfly Boy."
Hubie is afraid of this new student, who he thinks is a bully.
Butch Pounder
What is the digit is in the hundreds place in the number 345.
These small, furry pets are often kept in cages and have a reputation for running on wheels.
Jackie Robinson tests the ice to make sure it's safe for this activity.
Ice Skating
Emilio is recovering from this, which makes him feel weak and tired.
This is the name of the main character who is worried about the new student in "The Bully from the Black Lagoon."
What is the sum of 100 + 256.
This pet is known for its ability to purr and often enjoys sitting in sunny spots or on laps.
What team did Jackie Robinson beat in the 1955 World Series?
Emilio cares for this creature, which symbolizes hope and transformation in the story.
What is the setting of the story?
The School
What is the value of the digit 7 in the number 872.
This colorful pet is known for its ability to mimic human speech and comes in species like parrots and budgies.
This term describes Jackie Robinson's courage in facing danger to ensure the safety of others.
This family member plays a significant role in supporting Emilio during his recovery.
His grandmother
Hubie imagines Butch as a bully because he hears what about him?
What is 872 + 872?
This type of pet can live in aquariums and is often found in both freshwater and saltwater varieties.
What US State did the story take place at the Robinson family's home where they moved from Queens, New York?
The butterfly Emilio cares for goes through this process, representing Emilio's own journey of healing.
The main lesson Hubie learns by the end of the story about Butch and his fears.
Not judge others by rumors or appearances
If you have 4 hundreds, 3 tens, and 5 ones + 5 hundreds, 4 tens, 6 ones, + 3 hundreds, 7 tens, and 9 ones, what is your sum?
1 thousand 3 hundreds 6 tens and 0 ones.