how do you pronounce the preterit of "ask"
Comment dit on CV en anglais ?
Who was the first black president ?
Barack Obama
How do you say "trèfle" in english
quel temps faut il utiliser pour décrire une activité en train de se dérouler ?
le présent BE + ING
Comment dit-on "avocat" en anglais?
Who is represented in the mural ?
Barack Obama, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King
Que veut dire "the giant causeway"
What is the preterit of the "penser" ?
What is the name of the little girl on the painting
Ruby Bridges
What are the colors of the indian flag ?
green, orange and white
What is the french for "squire" ?
When was Barack Obama born?
4 august 1961
Who made the mural?
Mr. Brainwash