Red Food
Riddle me Animal
Summer Fun!

An _____ a day keeps the doctor away?

Do you think this statement is true or false?  Why?

What is an apple!

I like to hop around. I'm a tadpole when I'm young.
I am green and I croak. And catch flies with my long tongue.
What am I?

What is a frog!


I am the world's most played sport.

I am called one thing in the US and another thing around the world...which honestly makes more sense.

I am a team sport.

Men and women play me.

Only one player on the field is allowed to touch the ball with their hands.

Every four years there is a World Cup.

What is soccer!


What day in July celebrates America's independence?

What are common ways we celebrate this day?

What is the 4th of July!

With parades, cookouts, and fireworks!


A squirt of me makes your hamburger and fires extra tasty? What fruit is this condiment made of?

What is ketchup.

What is tomatoes!


I like to use my long tongue to eat leaves from tops of trees.
I don't have to climb up though. With my long neck, it's a breeze.

What is a giraffe!


I can be played indoors or outdoors.

I am played with a medium sized ball.

I am a team sport.

I am played in the summer Olympics.

Players wear shorts and sneakers for running.

A layup and you get two points!

What am I?

What is basketball!


What is your favorite outdoor summer activity?

Who do you like to do this with?



I am a fruit.

I am green on the outside and red on the inside.

You spit out my seeds.

I am made of mostly water.

You enjoy me on a hot summer day.

What am I?

What is a watermelon!


Some people are scared of this creature,
Because it can have a big bite.
So be careful out in the ocean,
One of its kind is a Great White.

What is a shark!


I am done outdoors on rivers, lakes, and oceans.

The goal of my sport is to catch something.

You need a special stick, bait, and a hook.

I require patience.

Instead of a point you get dinner as a prize!

What am I?

What is fishing!


What is your favorite food at the cookout?

Mmmm making me hungry.


I am the only fruit with seeds on my skin.  What am I?

What is a strawberry!


I sleep by day and fly at night, but I have no feathers to aid my flight.
What am I?

What is a bat!


Teenagers love me as a sport.

You need a helmet and special pads to do me safely.

I am done on ramps and in special parks.

I am a sport in the X games.

Tony Hawk made me famous.

What am I?

What is skateboarding!


Name a way to protect yourself from the sun.

What is sunscreen, shade, clothing, sunglasses, a hat, avoiding certain times outside, etc.


I grow under the ground.

People pickle me.

You will find me on a salad bar.

I will stain anything I touch.

You do not eat my skin.

What am I?

What is a beet.


I am an animal named after the animal that I eat.  With my long tongue I sure do have a feast!

What is an anteater!

People used to use me to catch food but now I am used to hit the bullseye of the target.

Pull me back and let me goooooo!

Robin Hood was really good at me.

What am I?

What is archery!


What is it called when you go out of town for an extended period of time for leisure, recreation, and relaxation purposes?

What is a vacation!

What is your favorite vacation memory or a place you want to go in the future?
