Stages of skill acquisition
Learning Environment
Practice methods
Mult Choice

What are the 3 stages of skills acquisition





DICEKK is the acronym- What do they each stand for in respect of feedback. 

internal, external, concurrent, delayed, knowledge of results, knowledge of performance


Nature of skills- Define the following terms: Gross and fine motor using eg's for each. 

require the use of large muscle groups for execution.

Eg running,swimming

require the use of only small muscle groups to perform the movement. Eg- Darts ,archery


Practice methods - Define the following terms: Massed and distributed using eg's for each. 

Massed- involves a continuous practice session, with the rest intervals being shorter than the practice intervals.

Distributed- involves a broken practice session, with the intervals of rest or alternative activities being longer than the practice intervals


Which of the following best describes the nature of the skill demonstrated when a tennis player is receiving a serve from an opponent? 

A- Self-paced and open

B. Self-paced and closed  

C. Externally paced and open

 D. Externally paced and closed 



What is the cognitive phase 

1st stage

lots of errors, 

thinking and understanding


Difference between the knowledge of results and knowledge of performance

knowledge of performance is information about the pattern of the movement during execution.EG- Did I swing my hips through snd keep my head down on the golf shot. 

knowledge of results is information about the outcome of a movement. Eg- BBall- did the shot go in


Nature of skills- Define the following terms: Open and closed environments using eg's for each. 

occur in an environment that is unpredictable and frequently changing. eg Surfing

occur in an environment that is stable and predictable. Ten pin bowling,darts


Masses practice works best when…….

Best for highly motivated athletes or athletes new to the skill. 


Which of the following is classified as a serial, open and externally paced skill?

A. Serving in tennis

B. Throwing a discus

C. Catching a basketball

D. Downhill mountain biking

D. Use elimination method


What is the associative phase

2nd stage

less frequent errors

practice phase


Internal and external feedback refers to …….. Add eg's

Internal -received through proprioceptive mechanisms as the neuromuscular system sends messages to the brain about how the skill should feel when performing also called kinaesthetic feedback. 

External- comes from an origin or source outside of the body such as a coach or video feedback 


Nature of skills- Define the following terms: Self paced and externally paced using eg's for each. 

EP- movements for which an external source controls the timing. Eg Receiving a tennis serve.

SP- movements for which the performer determines the timing and speed of execution.
Eg- Serving in tennis


Distributed practice works best when…….

Best for athletes with little motivation or when the task is highly fatiguing or causes discomfort. 


At the end of a game, a netball coach gives the goal shooter the following feedback.

‘You made a lot of technical errors when shooting today. Next time remember to relax and focus on your wrist action when shooting for goal.

’What type of feedback is being given?  (2021) 

A. Internal 

B. Concurrent 

C. Knowledge of results 

D. Knowledge of performance 



What is the autonomous phase


Minimal errors and highly skilled performance


Concurrent and delayed feedback refers to….Add eg's


Concurrent- is received during the performance of a skill. link to kinaesthetic eg Diver or gymnast adjusting position based on internal FB or rugby league player adjusting head position during a tackle as player uses a side step. 

Delayed- after the performance- eg- video review


Nature of skills- Define the following terms: Discrete,serial and continuos using eg's for each.

Discrete- Distinct beginning and end- Eg- Tennis serve

Serial- involve a sequence of smaller movements that are assembled to make a total skill. Lay up in BBall

Continuous- have no distinct beginning or end. running or swimming
