What is the action done by the Biceps brachii ( long and short head)?
What is forearm flexion?
The largest gluteal muscle and its action
What is the gluteal maximus and abducts and laterally rotates thigh
What is the muscle that inserts at the angles of the mouth?
What is orbicularis oris?
What is the illiocostali, longissimus, spinalis?
What is a muscle that is posterior-superficial that can flex the forearm?
What is brachioradialis?
Two chest muscles that are commonly worked out on Chest Day and their corresponding insertion points
What is Pectoralis Major and Minor inserted at the humerus and scapula, respectively
What are the four muscles that comprise the Quadriceps femoris and what common function in all of them?
What is the action and origin or the masseter?
What is the zygomatic process of maxilla and elevation of mandible?
What are the three muscle that extend and laterally flex the veterbral column?
What is illiocostalis cervicis, illiocostatlis thoracis, illiocostalis lumborum?
What is a muscle that the famous knees-over-toes guy (Instagram) says to work out and is a muscle that helps in dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot?
What is the tibialis anterior?
What is the muscle that is commonly referred to as the muscle that causes pain when tearing or hurting the groin and its function for the leg?
What is the function of the muscle that originates at the temporal fossa and inserts at the mandible?
What is the elevation, retraction of mandible?
What are the muscle names and insertion of the muscles that pull the ribs for inspiration and expiration?
What are external intercostals and internal costals/ what is superior border of inferior rib and inferior border of superior rib, respectively
What are the two major muscles that make up the calf muscle and their insertion points?
What is the Gastrocnemius and Soleus, What is the calcaneus via calcaneal (Achilles) tendon and calcaneus via calcaneal?
What are the two muscles that are commonly used to slow down a baseball player's throwing arm and their actions?
What is Teres major and minor/ What is medially rotates and laterally rotates arm
What is one of the muscles that orginates at the pubis, inserts at the femur and medially rotates the leg?
What is adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus?
What is Epicranius occipitalis and epicranius frontalis/ what is galea aponeurotica?
Give the function and origin of the external and internal obliques?
What is stabilizes the abdomen, laterally flexes and
rotates the spine and originates at ribs 5-12/ what is stabilizes abdomen, laterally flexes and rotates the spine and originates at lumbar fascia, ilium( crest)
What is the function and origin of the flexor hallucis longus?
What is the flexion of the great toe, plantar flexion and inversion of the foot and the origin is at the fibula?
The two muscles that abduct the humerus but have their origin and insertion at the scapula and humerus?
What is Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus
What is muscle in the leg that relates to a commonly known muscle in the arm that has long and short head and their respective origins?
What is biceps femoris/ what is long head-ischium, what is short head-femur
The sternocleidomastoid has an origin, insertion, and action what are they?
What is something grandma would say to work out if you had bad posture and where would it originate and insert from?
What is the quadratus lumborum that originates from iliac crest and inserts at rib 12 and transverse processes of L1-L4
What is the function and insertion of the flexor digitorum longus?
What is Flexes toes, plantar flexion and eversion of foot/ What is Distal phalanges II-IV