The name of the earliest known female in our family
The Keaton-Bynum family originated in this city also known as the "Land of the Sky".
Asheville, NC
Family members Brenda Acty-Harris and Candace Tims share the same birthday. What is it?
June 29th
These family members are all doctors
Dr. Lucy sloan, Dr. Felix Vincent & Dr. Brittany Vincent
This family member is a known author
Evelyn Allen Johnson
The name of one of the earliest known male in our family?
The largest percentage of the family resides in this state
North Carolina
Family members Betty Gillis and Russel Brown share this birthday. What is it?
This family member owns a medical transportation service
Candace Tims
This family member has the most children in the family
Betty Gillis/Rachael Bynum
A very popular male name in our family that is also a color?
The second largest percentage of the family resides in this region
The DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia)
Family members Tami Griffin and Daisy Scurry share this birthday. What is it?
This family member owns an auto detail shop
Mark Keaton
These family member have traveled to five out of the 7 continents
Who are Tiffany Tooley and Christian Tooley
The first and last name of our family member who started having us host family reunions in the 1990's?
Joseph Keaton Burgin, Sr.
The smallest percentage of family live in this state known for buckeye trees.
Family members Ryan Scurry and Patty Overstreet share the same birthday. What is it?
November 10th
These family members are lawyers
Raymond Johnson and Michell McGary
These family members collect cars
Ronnie Burgin/ Mark Keaton
One of our oldest known relatives was named after a person that wears a robe and uses a gavel.
Judge Bynum
Two states besides Ohio where family lives that isn't in the South or on East Coast.
Chicago, IL and Southern California
Family members Debbie Keaton and Mariah Lee share a birthday. What is it?
September 24th
These family members are all educators
Trevia Ogburn, Daisy Scurry & Reina Brown
These family members do an amazing job keeping up with family history
Lucy Sloan, Jocelyn Calloway, Nadine Bomar and Gail Brown