Grab Bag
Dog Days of Summer
Four Letter Words
Pardon my French
Tall Order

The type of food eaten by herbivores

What are plants? 


This popular brand of ketchup features a 57 on the bottle

What is Heinz? H.J. Heinz put the famous 57 on the bottle in 1896, and it was said to represent the number of condiments the company manufactured. Back then, the Heinz company manufactured more condiments than that, but he believed that the number 57 sounded better than 60.


Easily spotted on red octagons 

What is stop?


Located in Paris, this is the museum where Mona Lisa is housed.

What is the Louvre? Known as the world's most-visited museum, the Louvre opened its gallery doors in August 1793 with an exhibition of 537 paintings. Today, the museum houses an estimated 380,000 objects and 35,000 works of art.


This continent has the largest population of giraffes.

What is Africa? Within Africa, Namibia and South Africa have the highest number of giraffes. Roughly 70 percent of the giraffe population lives outside of government-protected areas.

She was referred to as the people's princess

Who is Princess Diana? She interacted with the public and bonded with them as no one in her position had done before. 


In this game, two teams use their hands to hit a ball back and forth over a net

What is volleyball? The inventor of volleyball, William George Morgan, was friends with the man who invented basketball and wanted to create a game of his own. The original game of volleyball consisted of a soccer ball and a badminton net.


If you're badly mistaken, you're way off this infield item

What is base?


The world-famous structure, located in Paris, was originally built to be one of the main attractions of the Paris World's Far in 1889.

What is the Eiffel Tower? Created by Gustave Eiffel, the tower quickly gained global notoriety because, at the time, it was the tallest structure in the world. It welcomes over seven million visitors a year.

There are ____ species of giraffe: one, four, or nine?

What is four? It was once thought that there was only one species of giraffes, with various subspecies. Giraffes have since been categorized into four different species: northern, southern, Masai, and reticulated.


The only U.S. state to have a one-syllable name

What is Maine? 


This type of gas is most commonly used in a gas grill

What is propane? The gas grill became popular in 1960 when, in an effort to get customers to buy more natural gas, the Louisiana Gas Company redesigned the charcoal grill to run on bottled propane.


A sharp spasm of pain; you might feel a hunger one

What is pang?


This world-famous Parisian cathedral, constructed between the 12th and 14th centuries, is known for its breathtaking stained glass, stone carvings, and 100-meter spires.

What is the Notre Dame Cathedral? The cathedral was commissioned by King Louis VII and survived countless wars, historical events, and revolutions. In 2019, it suffered a devastating fire. It is set to reopen later this year.


This famous toy store had a giraffe named Geoffrey as its popular mascot.

What is Toys "R" Us? Geoffrey made his commercial debut in 1973 and has been associated with the store ever since. Before he went by Geoffrey, he went by the name of Dr. G Raffe.


This makes up at least 95 % of cucumbers, celery, and lettuce

What is water? In fact, watermelons are only 92 % water, while cucumbers are 96 % and celery and lettuce are 95% water


The name of the golden fritters made from a thick cornmeal batter served as a side dish

What are hushpuppies? Some say the hush puppy got its name during the Civil War, when soldiers would use small fried bits of dough to quiet their dogs when they believed enemy soldiers were nearby.


The beneficiary of a will

What is an heir?


The famous bicycle race that occurs in France every July

What is the Tour de France? Created in 1903, the Tour de France is the world's most prestigious cycling event. Teams of cyclists from all over the world travel roughly 3,500 kilometers over three weeks.


The name for a female giraffe

What is a cow? Males are referred to as bulls, and babies are called calves. You can often tell the gender of a giraffe by their horns. A female will almost always have fur covering their horns, but males' fur gets torn off when they fight each other.


This fashion designer was born Ralph Lifshitz in 1939.

Who is Ralph Lauren? Lauren changed his surname at the age of 16 and served in the army before breaking into the fashion world.

A popular jam-like condiment found at barbeques that often consists of chopped pickles

What is relish? Although many typically think of relish being synonymous with pickles, relish is a preserved condiment made from chopped fruits or vegetables.


Part of your foot of part of your bread

What is a heel?


This type of bread is distinguished by its long shape and crisp crust.

What is a baguette? Baguettes are a staple food item in France, so much so that France used to have a law that required bakers to inform city hall whenever they wanted to take vacation to avoid too many bakeries being closed at once. The law was repealed in 2015.


The tallest mountain in the world

What is Mount Everest? As of December 2023, only 6,664 people have made it to the top.


Robert C. Baker invented this bite-sized chicken product in 1963.

What are chicken nuggets? Baker developed the first chicken nugget in a Cornell University lab.


The man who holds the record for the largest barbeque pit lives in a. Louisiana b. Texas c. Georgia

What is Texas? Terry Folsom's mobile barbecue pit stretches 76 feet long and is capable of cooking six tons of meat at a time.


A homophone of santa's mode of transportation it means to kill violently

What is slay?


The name of the iconic French designer known for her elegantly casual designs such as the "little black dress" and famous fragrance No.5

Who is Coco Chanel? Coco Chanel started her career as a hatmaker in France. In 1913, she opened her first shop. She was also the first fashion designer to introduce a perfume- Chanel No.5.

The famous green mascot associated with well-known vegetable company

Who is the Jolly Green Giant? He was created in 1925 by the Minnesota Valley Canning Company and was named after a particularly large variety of pea that the company sold at the time. Later, in 1950, the Minnesota Valley Canning Company would become the Green Giant Company we know today.


Talent agent Wally Amos is known as the founder of what cookie brand?

What is Famous Amos? As a talent agent, he is said to have discovered Simon & Garfunkel.
The name of the game that uses two jump ropes turned in an eggbeater fashion while participants jump inside of them

What is Double Dutch? This sport dates back to ancient Phoenician, Egyptian, and Chinese ropemakers.


This is a roll of cloth or a flash of lightning

What is a bolt?


The name for the very thin, pancake-style food that is typically served in a sweet or savory style.

What are crepes? The origin of crepes remains a mystery. One urban legend is that a housewife accidentally spilled buckwheat porridge on a flat hot surface and thus the crepe was created.


This breed of dog holds the current Guiness World Record for being the tallest dog in the world

What is Great Dane? The record was set by Zeus, a Great Dane who measured in at a whopping seven feet, four inches while standing on his hind legs.


The only vowel not found in any spelled-out number under 1,000

What is A? The A in thousand is the first appearance of the vowel. 


This 1950's president was known for grilling out on the roof of the White House

Who is Dwight Eisenhower? Eisenhower had a grill station set up in the sunroom on the roof of the White House.


From the greek word for deep sleep it's a deep prolonged unconsciousness

What is coma?


The French military still trains these birds to deliver messages in the event that telecommunications are unavailable.

What are carrier pigeons? Carrier pigeons were used during wartime up until World War II. With the advancement of technology, the carrier pigeon is generally no longer used by militaries, but France houses a unit of 120 carrier pigeons just in case.


This famous retail store's annual parade features floats that can be up to 60 feet tall

What is Macy's? The iconic Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade started in 1924 in hopes that it would attract customers to the store during the holidays. Initially, the floats were inspired by the animals in the Central Park Zoo.


This U.S. president was known to keep many unusual pets, including a hyena

Who is Theodore Roosevelt? He and his family also kept snakes, guinea pigs, and more


In this game (often played on the beach), you attempt to roll a colored ball as close as possible to a smaller white ball on the other side of the court

What is Bocce Ball? The game of bocce dates back to ancient Rome.


It precedes tough, loose, and glider

What is hang?


The name of a French delicacy that consists of a certain mollusk cooked in butter and garlic

What is escargot? Although eating snails dates back to ancient Rome, today it is considered a French delicacy and has become associated with luxury and wealth.


This U.S. state boasts the tallest known tree in the world.

What is California? The current record holder for tallest tree is a Coast redwood that measures 380 feet tall and is located in California's Redwood National Park.


This month of the year is named for the Roman god of the future and past

What is January? The Roman god Janus is also the god of doors, so it makes sense that the first month is named for him


This famous brand of hot dogs started as a nickel hot dog stand in Coney Island, New York, in 1916

What is Nathan's Famous? Rumor has it that just about 10 years after the first Nathan's hot dog stand was introduced in Coney Island, three men were arguing over who was the most patriotic amongst them. To settle the debate, they had a hot dog eating contest.


This joint is formed by the articulation of the femur and the tibia

What is the knee?


The name of the French holiday celebrated every year on July 14th

What is Bastille Day? It is celebrated to commemorate the French revolution and the storming of the Bastille prison in 1789. The storming of the prison was a symbol of the people's determination to rise up against the monarchy of France.


This basketball player stood seven feet, one inch tall and had the nickname "The Stilt".

Who is Wilt Chamberlain? He is the only player in NBA history to score 100 points in a single game.
