Stress Response
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The two main stress hormones we talked about. 

What are adrenaline/epinephrine and cortisol?


What neurotransmitter is associated with reward-seeking behavior?

What is dopamine?

You are in a race and you pass second place. What place are you in?

What is second place?


What is Jace's favorite TV show

What is gravity falls?


The command center directly regulates hormone regulation for the stress response.

What is the hypothalamus?


What is the facial feedback hypothesis?

What is that we can influence our own emotions by our facial expressions?


I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?

What is a map?


What country does Elias want to visit?

What is Mexico?


The term that describes the process of stress response #2 where the end product stops the formation of more of said end product.

What is a negative feedback loop?


What are the three components of an emotion?

What is Subjective feelings, physiological symptoms, behavior


4. What is seen in the middle of March and April that can’t be seen at the beginning or end of either month?

What is the letter r


What water sports does Nan like to do?

What is surfing


The step-by-step process and end result for a person in stress response part #1 + 2 (name signals if they were taught as specific).

What is #1: amygdala--> hypothalamus --> adrenal glands --> epinephrine --> fight or flight?

What is #2 hypothalamus (sends CRH) --> pituitary gland (sends ACTH) --> adrenal gland (sends cortisol) --> continues the fight or flight response?


How does dopamine relate to our habits?

What is when dopamine is released in a behavior our brain sees it as a reward and after doing the behavior multiple times with dopamine being released each time, our brain continues to see the behavior as a reward making it more likely to be a habit?


What has 13 hearts but no lungs or stomach?

What is a deck of cards?


What is Klara's favorite book series

What is Harry Potter


Name and Explain each stage of the General adaptation response. Which stage is the highest risk for the body's physical health?

What is the alarm stage where a stressor is recognized and the sympathetic nervous system is activated? What is the resistance stage where the body attempts to either return back to homeostasis or continue to fight the stressor if it's still there? What is the exhaustion stage where the body runs out of energy to continue fighting the stressor. What is the exhuastion stage?


why is it important to see someone's facial expression in terms of evolutionary behavior?

what is it can tell us not try something or if something is wrong


7. What English word has three consecutive double letters?

What is bookkeeper?


What country does Ladawniel want to visit

What is France
