Тщательно пережевывайте пищу, прежде чем проглотить ее.
Chew your food up thoroughly before you swallow it.
fine powdery substance, typically yellow, consisting of microscopic grains discharged from the male part of a flower or from a male cone.
Учитывая характер этого вопроса, я склонен думать, что им следует заняться лично Вам.
Given the nature of this matter, I am inclined to think it should be managed by you personally.
Organic matter, primarily derived from animal feces, that is used as organic fertilizer in agriculture
Студентам-биологам пришлось препарировать крысу.
The biology students had to dissect a rat.
A small pocket of fluid that forms on the upper layers of the skin, typically caused by friction, burns, or other types of skin damage.
Ее заявление намеренно вводило в заблуждение.
Her statement was deliberately misleading.
A position where a person extends their legs in opposite directions until they are flat against the ground, either side-to-side or front-to-back.
Зимой потребление воды снизилось.
Я размышлял над тем, что ты сказал вчера вечером.
В такой жесткой конкурентной среде неизбежно, что некоторые компании обанкротятся.
Water consumption decreased during the winter.
I've been mulling over what you said last night.
In such a fiercely competitive environment, it's inevitable that some companies will go out of business.
1. This type of fungus is commonly found on decaying organic matter and can appear as green, black, or white fuzzy growths.
2.This word is verb which essentially means to add more detail or expand on a subject, explanation, or idea.
3. This word can be used in biological context and in a more general context meaning to analyze something in great detail by breaking it down into its constituent parts.