Red, White, or Blue? 1
Red, White, or Blue? 2
Red, White, or Blue 3

Chardonnay, pinot grigio, and Riesling are all what?

White wines


What American actor and comedian won an Oscar and a Golden Globe for his supporting role in the 957 film Sayonara?

Red Buttons


What might you call a suspenseful event, such as a frightening movie or a rough airplane flight?

A white knuckler


I fly in the air, but I’m no bird or bat. You wouldn’t call me smart, but I am bright. You won’t see much of me during the day, But you definitely can’t miss me at night. What am I?

Fireworks. Fireworks date back to ancient China, where they were developed out of military rockets and explosive missiles.


Why does the Statue of Liberty stand for freedom?  

Because she can’t sit


Who plays Rose Nylund on The Golden Girls?

Betty White


In what movie was Shirley Temple looking for a bird in order to find happiness?

The Blue Bird


What do Lucille Ball, little orphan Annie, and Ron Howard all have in common?

They all have red hair.


Not so fast! You can’t play before me. I’m not a book, But I was written by a Key. What am I?

 “The Star-Spangled Banner.” The song was written by Francis Scott Key and is often sung before sporting events.


What color sheets do ghosts wear on the Fourth of July?

Red, white, and boo!


What is the capital city of Louisiana and translates to “red stick” in French?

Baton Rouge


What color is the July birthstone?

Red (July’s birthstone is the ruby.)


What 1990 American submarine spy-thriller film stars Alec Baldwin and Sean Connery?

The Hunt for Red October


Mr. Blue lives in a blue house. Mr. Pink lives in a pink house. Mr. Red lives in a red house. Who lives in the white house?

The president


How did Uncle Sam do on the fireworks exam?

He passed with flying colors.


Finish the U.S. Air Force song lyric “Off we go into the ____ ____ ____.”

Wild blue yonder


Who sang the songs “You’re the First, the Last, My Everything,” “Never, Never Gonna Give Ya Up,” and “Can’t Get Enough of Your Love, Babe”?

Barry White


In what 1961 movie does Elvis play Chad Gates, a man who has just gotten back from the army and works as a Hawaiian tour guide at his girlfriend’s agency?

Blue Hawaii


We stand tall and proud, yet we’re not people. In the U.S., our tallest member is 400 feet (120 meters) and lives in Wisconsin. Sometimes we have plates at the top, and sometimes we have trucks. If we’re not holding something up high, someone may have died. What are we?

Flagpoles. The tallest flagpole in the United States can fly a 220-pound flag in low wind conditions and a 350-pound flag in high wind conditions. The ball at the top of a flagpole is called a truck. When an important person passes away, the flag is not flown at the top of the flagpole; it is flown at half-mast.


Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?

At the bottom


What is the old adage about red skies and their effect on sailors?

“Red sky at night, sailors’ delight. Red sky in morning, sailors take warning”


What do you call something that is irrelevant and diverts attention away from the main problem or issue?

A red herring


Who co-hosts the game show Wheel of Fortune with Pat Sajak?

Vanna White


I am an old man with a large pool in my yard, but no one swims there. I had three grandchildren, but none can sit in my lap. I was created in 1914, but I died in 1865. What am I?

The Lincoln Memorial. Work on the Lincoln Memorial began in 1914, and no one is allowed to sit on Lincoln’s giant lap or swim in the reflecting pool in front of the statue. Only one of Lincoln’s children lived into adulthood—his son Robert Todd Lincoln. From him, Lincoln had three grandchildren, but they were all born after Lincoln’s assassination on April 15, 1865


Can a firework lose its job?

Yes, after you’ve fired them


What do you call a gift exchange in which participants bring unwanted items that can then be chosen and swapped?

White elephant


Where does the president of the U.S. reside?

The White House


What is a nickname for the IBM Corporation?

Big Blue


I hold a tablet that is inscribed with Roman numerals. A broken shackle and chains lay at my feet. I am a French woman, and I came to America after a breakup. I am an expensive gift, but even if you celebrated Christmas in July, I wouldn’t fit under any tree. What am I?

The Statue of Liberty. The statue was a gift from the French people to honor the close relationship between France and America. On her tablet, “July 4, 1776” is written in Roman numerals. The statue was broken up into 350 individual pieces and packed in 214 crates when it was delivered to America.


What did the colonists wear to the Boston Tea Party?  



What Irving Berlin song has the lines “Never saw the sun shining so bright/Never saw things going so right”?

“Blue Skies”


What did the cartoon character Huckleberry Hound look like?

A blue dog, often seen with a hat on his head


According to the song, what object “saw me standing alone”?

Blue moon


I have 13 of something, but I’m not bad luck. I’ve got lots of stars, but I’m not Hollywood. What am I?

The American flag. On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes as the official U.S. flag.


What is the capital in Washington?

The letter W


What red-haired comedian had his own show for many years and was known for playing a variety of characters, like Freddie the Freeloader and Clem Kadiddlehopper?

Red Skelton


What short story by Edgar Allan Poe follows Prince Prospero’s attempts to avoid a dangerous plague?

“The Masque of the Red Death”


Who is the author of Charlotte’s Web?

E. B. White


I begin by mentioning something that happened 87 years before me. I note that I cannot dedicate, nor consecrate, the field that I was intended to honor. I believe in people coming together and fighting for the choices the men and women made 87 years before me. What am I?

The Gettysburg Address. The notable opening words of the address are “Four score and seven years ago.” One “score” is 20, so “four score and seven years ago” means 87 years—the time between the founding of the nation and the dedication of the Gettysburg Civil War Cemetery on November 19, 1863


What bugs might show up on your Fourth of July picnic blanket?  



When something happens unexpectedly or suddenly, it is said to have come from where?

Out of the blue (or out of the clear blue sky, or a bolt from the blue)


What is an expression for when someone talks about something for a long time or they repeat themselves multiple times? (Hint: To talk until one is…)

To talk until one is blue in the face


What is the phrase for when you’ve caught someone in the act of doing something wrong?

Caught them red-handed


Upon the waves of history, I set sail, A pilgrimage in a tempest’s gale. Bound for a brand-new world, On Plymouth’s shores, my journey unfurled. What am I?

The Mayflower. The Mayflower brought over Pilgrims from England to what was then referred to as the “New World” in 1620.


True or false? The Declaration of Independence was written in Philadelphia.

False. It was written in ink. But yes, it was written in 1776 by Thomas Jefferson in his Philadelphia boarding house.


What do you call a sale specific to household items, such as bed linens and towels?

A white sale


What is another name for someone who works behind a desk and does NOT do manual labor?

White-collar worker


What is the nickname of the World War I German fighter pilot that the Peanuts’ character Snoopy often tries to shoot down in his imagination?

The Red Baron


You can’t use me, but I’m not useless. I am broken, but I am powerful. I am broken, but I stand for great things. I am broken, but people line up to see me. I am broken, but my message remains: “Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.” What am I?  

The Liberty Bell. The inscription on the bell is from the King James Bible translation of Leviticus 25:10. It was chosen by Speaker of the Pennsylvania Assembly Isaac Norris in 1751.


What’s the difference between George Washington and a duck?

One has his face on a bill; the other has a bill on his face.
