The unification of Germany
The Scramble for Africa
Military Arms Race and Tension
The Beginning of the War
Key Characters in the Lead up to World war 1

Who is the military leader that lead Germany to Unification ?

Who is Otto Von Bismark 


What was the scramble for Africa ? 

 What was the race to divide the continent between the European powers 


What is a military arms race ? 

What is a competition to stockpile weapons


What was the last cause of World war 1 ? 

What is the assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand 


Who was the leader of Germany in world war 1 

Who is Wilhelm the second 


What was the first part of the unification plan ?

What is realpolitik 

what countries were involved in the Scramble for Africa ?

Who were Germany, England, France, Belgium, Portugal


Who were the parties involved in naval arms race ? 

Who is England and Germany

How was the Archduke Killed ? 

The Archduke was assassinated the second time by an assassin who stopped for coffee and then was able to shoot the Duke point blank.


Which leaders in Europe were related ? 

The king of England, the Czar of Russia, and the king of Germany 


What was the first Battle fought in the process of unification ? 

What was the war in 1866 against Austria 

Where was the Meeting held and which year was it ? 

What was the Berlin conference in 1884-85


What was the naval arms race about ? 

What was the goal to create a naval fleet that would rival the English fleet prior to world war 1 


Which countries were part of an alliance ? the axis and the allies who were they ? 

who is Germany, Italy, Austria - Hungary 

Who is England, Russia, and France 


Which type of ideology spawned the tension and idea of being different that helped lead to world war 1 ? 

What was nationalism 


What propaganda was used to start the French and Prussian War in late 1870 ? 

What are the letters talking badly about both leaders in each country about the Spanish throne


Were any representatives present in the Berlin Conference from the African Continent ? 

What is no representatives from the continent 


What was the Wilhelm the seconds goal with the development of the fleet of dreadnoughts and U-boats 

What was the fleet in being / standing it was meant to make people fear the possibility of war


Who was the first country to declare war in 1914 ? 

Who was Austria-Hungary 


What was the greatest flaw in all of the leaders in each of the European nations ?

What is their Ego 


What was promised to the Northern Prussian states if they joined unification ? 

They would be allowed to have a say in the governing structure and have a prominent role in German Society ? 


What did the scramble for Africa mean for the tensions in Europe prior to the First world war ? 

What is the escalation of military power and fear of German expansion within Europe. 


Who was the person that came up with the final policy that the British used to win the naval arms race ? 

Who is Winston Churchill 


What two unexpected events happened in the beginning of the war that changed the complexion of the war ? 

What was the resilience of Belgium and the quick troop and army preparation by Russia 


Which General is remembered to this day for the best thought-out failure in Military history ? 

General Schliefen 
