You wear this when you swim in the pool
What is bathing suit?
A sour, yellow fruit
What is a lemon?
An animal with a hard shell on its back
What is a sea turtle?
An animal with black and white stripes
What is a zebra?
You use this body part to hear
What is ears?
You wear this on your head when you go to a baseball game.
What is a baseball hat?
A fruit that is green on the outside, and red on the inside with black seeds
What is a watermelon?
An animal with 8 long arms
What is octopus?
An animal with a long neck
What is a giraffe?
You use this body part to hold things
What is a hand?
You wear this around your neck when it's cold out
A fruit that is yellow and spiky
What is pineapple?
An animal that can sting with its tail
What is a stingray?
A big, gray animal with a long trunk
What is elephant?
You wear socks on this body part?
What is a foot?
You wear this on your wrist to tell the time
What is a watch?
A fruit that is yellow, and you need to peel it
What is a banana?
An animal with 5 arms
What is a starfish?
An animal with a mane that roars
What is a lion?
You use this body part to smell
What is a nose?
You wear this jewelry on your finger
What is a ring?
A fruit that is small, round, and blue
An animal with several rows of sharp teeth. One of the top predators of the ocean
What is a shark?
A type of big cat with orange and black stripes
What is a tiger?
You use this body part to see
What is an eye?