Interviewing for the Job
Summer Blockbusters
4 Agreements for a Better Life
80's Music Icons
  • What’s the starting salary?
  • Can you tell me about your health insurance?
  • What are your paid leave policies?

These are all examples of what?

Questions NOT to ask in the initial interview.


What is it that Behaviorists believe?

Behaviorists believe that our actions are shaped by environmental stimuli. Behaviorism is a theory of learning based on the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning, and conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment


What film is considered the original summer blockbuster?

JAWS (1975)


What does it mean to be "impeccable?"

Impeccable means to be "without sin."


What kind of car does Prince sing about in his 1983 hit?

“Little Red Corvette”


"What learning and development opportunities will I have in this role?"

"Are there examples of a career path beginning with this position?"

These are examples of interview questions you should be asking, but why ask questions like these?

 It’s critical to understand what growth and career development will look like in the job. You want to be sure that you can see yourself not just in the role you’re currently applying for but that there is a career path at the organization that you’re excited about.


The precursor to the theory of behaviorism it called "Classical Conditioning" and it was tested by a Russian Scientist in the 1890's named Ivan Pavlov. How did Pavlov test his theory?

Using the sound of a bell to signal to dogs that food was coming, and then measuring their saliva productions, then testing to see if they would still salivate having heard the bell and not presented with food. (They still got slobbery)


'Men In Black' has a connection to Stanley Kubrick's 'Full Metal Jacket'. What is it?

Vincent D'Onofrio, who played Edgar in 'Men In Black', also played Private Pyle in 'Full Metal Jacket'


What does the "domestication of humans" refer to?

All the rules and values of our family and society that are imposed on us through a punishment and reward system. This teaches us "the way" we are supposed to be.


What rock guitarist played on the Michael Jackson song “Beat It"?

Eddie Van Halen


 Instead of “What does a typical day look like?” you want to ask “What would a typical day for me in this role look like?” Why do we want to phrase it differently?

How you phrase your questions is important. Rather than using generic language, you want to ask the questions as if they pertain specifically to you. That will allow the hiring manager to begin seeing you in the role. This is a psychological trick, because as soon as they visualize you doing the job, it’s hard to let go of that image.


John B. Watson's 1913 lecture at Johns Hopkins University became known as what?

The Behaviorist Manifesto


What is the name of the island where Jurassic Park is located?

Isla Nublar

One of the agreements is to stop taking it personally when others speak about us, but how and why do we achieve this?

When somebody talks about you, they are talking about a secondary character in their story who represents you; they are talking about an image they create for you. That image has nothing to do with you; it’s just a projection of that person’s story. If you take it personally, if you agree and believe what others say, their story becomes a part of your story.  


What ‘80s superstar portrayed Dr. Noah Drake on “General Hospital"?

Rick Springfield


Asking questions like 

"What’s the most important thing I could accomplish in the first 90 days?" or "If you hired me to fill your most needed position right now, what would that job be?"

is a good way to manipulate your chances of getting the job. Why?

These questions force the employer to envision you as an employee that already working for them, meaning psychologically they will more strongly consider you for the job.


The experiments involving conditioning "Little Albert" would never be allowed in an ethical lab setting today. What was done to traumatize Little Albert?

A loud noise designed to frighten the child was played whenever he was put close to animals such as dogs and lab rats, so much that the sight of the animal began to have the same effect on the baby as did the loud noise.


“Superman” in 1978 produced the first comic-book movie hit in years. An unknown Christopher Reeve starred as Superman, but two stars of the movie received top billing above him. Name at least one.

Gene Hackman or Marlon Brando


What is important to remember about the agreement "Always do your best?"

Your "best" is a sliding scale that is determined by a number of factors. How much time you have, how rested you are, what tools or materials you have available to you. Always do your best means the best that your are able to in the given circumstances, not to strive for unattainable perfection.


What 1989 Cher video was banned from MTV because of her revealing outfit?

“If I Could Turn Back Time”


"What am I not asking you that I should?"

"Is there anything else I can provide you with that would be helpful?"

"What are the next steps in the hiring process?"

These questions are best used at what point in your interview?

These are examples of closing questions, the last ones to ask before ending the interview.


What are the fundamental (unlearned) human emotions? 

Fear, Rage, and Love.


 In 1994’s “Forrest Gump,” the title character remarkably meets three U.S. presidents (through the miracle of special effects). Name the commanders-in-chief.

John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon


Humans have a powerful imagination, and there are many ideas and stories that we can imagine. We start imagining what other people are doing, what they’re thinking, what they’re saying about us, and we dream things up in our imagination. We invent a whole story that’s only truth for us, but we believe it. 

What does this mean in regards to the agreements?

Don't make assumptions


During the 1985 Live Aid concert, which musician performed in both the U.S. and London?

 Phil Collins
