Coffee Drinks
Coffee History
Coffee & Health
Fun Facts
Other Uses of Coffee

This popular Italian coffee drink is made with equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam.

What is a cappuccino?


This country is the third biggest coffee producer in the world

What is Colombia?


This sleep disorder can be exacerbated by excessive caffeine consumption, especially late in the day.

What is insomnia?


This country is the birthplace of espresso, known for its strong and concentrated coffee shots.

What is Italy?


This popular skincare ingredient, derived from coffee beans, is known for its ability to exfoliate and improve circulation.

What is coffee scrub?


This French press alternative steeps coarse coffee grounds in cold water for 12-24 hours.

What is cold brew?


In 1773, this event in American history saw colonists switching from tea to coffee as a political protest.

What is the Boston Tea Party?


This stimulant found in coffee is known to enhance alertness and improve concentration.

What is caffeine?


This animal is known to seek out and consume coffee cherries, contributing to the discovery of coffee's stimulating effects.

What is a goat?


Besides brewing coffee, these small red fruits of the coffee plant can be dried and used to make a tea-like beverage.

What are coffee cherries?


Named after a character in an Italian opera, this coffee drink consists of a shot of espresso poured over a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

What is an affogato?


Legend says this Ethiopian goat herder discovered coffee after noticing his goats becoming energetic after eating coffee berries.

Who is Kaldi?


Drinking coffee in moderation has been associated with a reduced risk of this chronic condition, characterized by high blood sugar levels.

What is diabetes (type 2)?


This coffee-growing country holds an annual festival where participants create elaborate mosaic artworks using coffee beans.

What is Colombia?


Coffee pulp, a byproduct of coffee processing, can be utilized in this agricultural practice to enhance soil fertility.

 What is organic fertilizer for crops?


This espresso-based drink, popular in Australia and New Zealand, is made with a shot of espresso and a small amount of steamed milk, usually with a thin layer of microfoam.

What is a flat white?


This Italian city is home to one of the world's first coffee houses, established in 1645.

What is Venice?


Moderate coffee intake has been associated with a lower risk of developing this chronic inflammatory disease affecting the joints.

What is rheumatoid arthritis?


In the 1600s, this European country tried to ban coffee, believing it fostered radical thinking and rebellion.

What is England (or specifically, Charles II of England)?


Coffee waste can be transformed into this renewable energy source through a process that converts organic matter into gas.

What is biogas or methane?


This coffee drink, popular on the keto diet, mixes brewed coffee with butter and MCT oil for sustained energy.

What is bulletproof coffee?


This coffee preparation method, which became popular in the 1920s, was named after an Italian inventor who sought a quicker way to make coffee.

What is espresso?


Studies suggest that moderate coffee consumption is linked to a lower risk of developing this neurodegenerative disorder.

What is Parkinson's disease?


The word "coffee" derives from an Arabic word, which in turn comes from the name of this ancient port city in Yemen.

What is Mocha (or Al-Makha)?


It is extracted from coffee beans and is often used in cosmetics and skincare products for its moisturizing and antioxidant properties.

What is coffee essential oil?
