Sentence Structure
Parts of Speech
Punctuation Marks
Literary Devices

What is a simple sentence?

A simple sentence consists of a single independent clause with a subject and a predicate. It expresses a complete thought.


Identify the nouns in the following sentence: 

"The cat chased the mouse across the garden."

 The nouns are "cat," "mouse," and "garden."


Define the word 'terror'.

- Terror refers to the feeling of intense fear and dread that is often anticipatory. It is the fear of the unknown or the unseen. 

- Extreme fear.


Which punctuation mark is used to show possession or to form contractions?

The apostrophe (').


Identify the literary device in this sentence: "She was as brave as a lion."

Simile, because it compares her bravery to that of a lion using "as."


What distinguishes a compound sentence from a simple sentence?

A compound sentence is made up of two or more independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction (such as 'and,' 'but,' 'or') or a semicolon. Each clause could stand alone as a simple sentence.


What part of speech is the word "quickly" in the sentence 

"She ran quickly to catch the bus"?

"Quickly" is an adverb.


Define the term 'horror'

- Horror refers to the feeling of revulsion and shock, often in response to something gruesome or macabre. 

- An intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust: 


 Insert the correct punctuation in the following sentence: "My favorite fruits are apples oranges and bananas."

"My favorite fruits are apples, oranges and bananas."

The comma between apples and oranges was missing.


What literary device is used in the following sentence: "The leaves danced in the wind"?

Personification, because the leaves are given the human ability to dance.


What are the main components of a complex sentence?

A complex sentence contains one independent clause and at least one dependent clause, which cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. These clauses are connected by subordinating conjunctions like 'because,' 'since,' 'although,' or 'when.'


In the sentence "He is very tall," what part of speech is the word "very"?

"Very" is an adverb.


Use the word 'gruesome' in a sentence.

The word is an adjective and means

  1. causing repulsion or horror; grisly. OR

    extremely unpleasant.

  2. For a correct answer the word must be used to describe something horrific like a murder.


What punctuation mark is used at the end of a declarative sentence?

The period/ Full Stop (.).


Which literary device is illustrated by the phrase "The thunder roared angrily"?

Personification, because the thunder is given the human quality of roaring angrily.


How can you identify a dependent clause in a sentence?

A dependent clause cannot stand alone as a complete sentence because it does not express a complete thought. It often starts with a subordinating conjunction (such as 'because,' 'although,' 'if') or a relative pronoun (such as 'which,' 'that,' 'who').


Find the adjectives in this sentence: 

"The beautiful, old house was on a quiet street."

The adjectives are "beautiful," "old," and "quiet."

Give a word that is opposite in meaning to the word 'hero'

Anti hero

coward, villain, weakling, traitor 


Where should the comma be placed in this sentence: "After the game we went out for ice cream."

"After the game, we went out for ice cream."

After the word 'game'/ before 'we'


What literary device involves the repetition of the same initial consonant sounds in a series of words?

Alliteration. For example, "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers."


Identify the type of sentence:

 "While I was cooking, the phone rang."

This is an example of a complex sentence.


Which words in the sentence "They will arrive tomorrow" is a verb?

The verbs are "will arrive."


Choose the word that best fits the blank in the following sentence:

"The explorers felt a great sense of _____ as they approached the mysterious, uncharted island."

a) curiosity
b) panic
c) boredom
d) joy

 a) curiosity


Which punctuation mark would you use to indicate a direct quote within a sentence?

Quotation marks (" ").


What is the literary device called where an object or action represents something more than its literal meaning?

