Cause and Effect
Main Idea
Math (REALLY!?)
All Mixed Up!

Have you ever wondered how bees make honey? First, a bee collects watery nectar from flowers. Then the bee stores it in a special honey stomach, or sac. When the sac fills up, the bee returns to the hive. The bees then pass the nectar from bee to bee using their mouths. Passing the nectar causes the water to drop out. This slowly changes the nectar into honey.

What causes the bee to go back into the hive?

The sac fills up with nectar. 


Smartphones are phones that are used for more than making calls and sending messages. People count on them for getting directions and finding information on the internet. People also have fun listening to music, taking pictures, and playing games on their phones. On the other hand, smartphones have some downsides. They can make it hard to keep your mind on important things, like studying. Some people even text during meals, or when spending time with their family. Driving while using a phone puts people in danger. Smartphones are useful, but they can cause problems if not used safely and politely.

Which is the main idea of this passage?

A. Smartphones can be used in many good and bad ways.

B. There are many good things about smartphones.

A. Smartphones can be used in many good and bad ways.


What is the BASE WORD in misdials?



Subtract: 865-439



Rabbits and hares are part of the same animal family. They both have long ears, short tails, large eyes, and strong teeth. Because they look so similar, rabbits and hares are often mistaken for each other. However, even though rabbits and hares look alike, they have different habits. Rabbits live in large family groups. On the other hand, hares mostly live alone. Rabbits live in underground tunnels and will run underground to hide. In contrast, hares live above the ground. The two animals even eat different kinds of foods. Rabbits like soft foods like grass, while hares prefer harder foods such as bark.

What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Animals from the same family look alike.

B. Rabbits and hares look alike, but are actually quite different.

C. Rabbits spend a lot of time underground, but hares spend their time above ground.

B. Rabbits and hares look alike, but are actually quite different.


In 1963, Sterling North wrote a book about Rascal, a raccoon he had for a pet. The book was hugely popular. The story was thus made into a movie and a cartoon. The cartoon was a big hit in Japan. This resulted in more than one thousand raccoons being imported to Japan every month! However, raccoons don't make good pets, and many escaped their owners. Today, wild raccoons are a problem all over Japan.

What was an EFFECT of Sterling's cartoon and movie becoming so popular?

Thousands of raccoons were imported into Japan.


In 1848, a few builders discovered gold in California. Hearing the news, many people moved out West in a hurry. This push west for gold was called the Gold Rush. Thanks to the Gold Rush, small towns grew into big and busy ones almost overnight. These fast-growing towns were called boomtowns. Only a few people got rich searching for gold. Others made money by selling things like food and clothing to people in the boomtowns.

What is the main idea of this passage?

A. During the Gold Rush, most people got rich.

B. The Gold Rush turned small California towns into boomtowns.

B. The Gold Rush turned small California towns into boomtowns.


What is the PREFIX in the word misinform?



What is 5/15 in simplest form?



Automation is the use of machines to reduce the need for human labor. In other words automation is when jobs done by people become jobs done by robots. Automation can be a good thing. Because of automation, clothing, cars, and other manufactured products are available at good prices and in large supply. But automation can also be a bad thing. Because of automation, there are over 700,000 robots in America alone that do jobs once performed by humans. The way of automation may not be best for humanity, but it is the course we are taking.

Which sentence shows a positive EFFECT of automation?

Because of automation, clothing, cars, and other manufactured products are available at good prices and in large supply.


Eating sweet foods like candy and cookies can make you just as thirsty as eating salty crackers and chips. When you eat foods containing sugar, tiny bits of the sugar are absorbed into your bloodstream. These sugary bits suck water out of your body's cells, just like salt does. Your cells send messages to your brain saying that they need more water. Consequently, your brain makes you feel thirsty so that you will drink water.

What is the EFFECT of your cells sending alert signals to your brain?

You feel thirsty.


Bats are known for flying around at night and sleeping during the day. You may have seen pictures of bats sleeping upside down in caves. Bats have other daytime resting places, too. They sleep in trees, in old buildings, and even under bridges. More than a million bats sleep under one bridge in Austin, Texas. This colony, or group, contains about as many bats as there are people in the city!

What is the main idea of this passage?

A. A huge group of bats sleeps under a bridge in Austin, TX.

B. Bats sleep in different places during the day.

B. Bats sleep in different places during the day.


What is the SUFFIX in the word richness?



Read this decimal correctly in word form.


thirty six and eight hundred forty six thousandths.


The root spec means look. What does the word inspect mean?

A. To listen to something very closely

B. To look at something very carefully

C. To run very quickly

B. To look at something very carefully


In 1912, Manuel del Busto built the Church of Santa Barbara in Spain. Over the years, however, people stopped using the church, and it was forgotten. This led a group of skateboarders to step in. When the skaters raised money, they were able to make the church into a skate park. Known as Kaos Temple, the skate park was painted in bright colours by street artist Okuda San Miguel.

What CAUSED the group of skateboarders to become interested in using the church?

The church was abandoned. 


Gravity is the force that makes things fall to Earth. You can't see or touch it, but without gravity, life on Earth would be quite different. Everything would simply float away. If you jumped up, you would fly off into space. If you threw a baseball, it would never come down. Gravity is also the force that keeps Earth orbiting around the sun. So, without gravity, Earth might float away, too.

What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Life on Earth would be different without gravity.

B. Without Gravity, the Earth would not orbit the sun.

A. Life on Earth would be different without gravity.


"That type of behavior is unacceptable," Mrs. Mele said. 

Find the PREFIX, SUFFIX, and base word in the sentence above. 

Then explain what the word means. 

Prefix = un (not)

Base word = (accept)

SUFFIX = able (to be able to)

Unacceptable = not able to be accepted


Jackie wants to add 1/4 and 2/3. What is the least common denominator she should use to rename the fractions?



Everyone uses soap, but not everyone knows how it works. Soap works by helping water wash things. Without soap, water forms drops and runs off skin or clothes, like raindrops on a window. Soap helps to break up the drops. This makes the water spread out thinner and wet the skin or clothing. Soap also helps oil mix with water. Oil and water usually don't mix together easily, but soap can mix with each of them. In this way, it helps pull the oil and dirt off things and into the water. When you rinse the soapy water away, the dirt goes with it.

What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Soap and water work together to get things clean.

B. Soap helps break up water drops.

C. Soap pieces can be used in many things.

A. Soap and water work together to get things clean.


How do chameleons change colour? One kind of chameleon has skin that contains two layers of cells. These cells contain tiny crystals. When the crystals in the upper layer are close together, the chameleon looks blue. At other times, the crystals stretch apart, so the chameleon looks yellow or red.

What CAUSES the chameleon to look blue?

The crystals squeeze together.


In 1925, dogsled teams worked together to save the people of Nome, Alaska. Some children were ill, and doctors feared the sickness would spread. The medicine the children needed was almost seven hundred miles away. It was winter, and the roads were blocked by snow. The only way to get the medicine to Nome was on wooden sleds pulled by dogs. Twenty dogsled teams took part in the journey. Each team ran for several hours before passing the medicine to the next one. The last team was headed by a dog named Balto. After running all night through heavy snow, Balto's team arrived in Nome with the medicine.

What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Many dogsled teams worked together to help sick children in Alaska.

B. Sick children in Alaska needed medicine that was far away.

C. Balto's team saved sick children in Alaska. 

A. Many dogsled teams worked together to help sick children in Alaska.

I would have been her sooner, but my father is suffering from an illness and my mother needed my help. 

Which word has a SUFFIX that means "the state of being"? What does that word mean?

Illness = the state of being ill or sick


Mrs. King has a fruit roll up that is 4/5 ft. long. Mrs. Davis has one that is 2/3 ft. long. How much longer is Mrs. King's than Mrs. Davis'?



The surface of the Earth is divided into pieces called “tectonic plates.” These plates move. When the plates rub against each other, they do not move smoothly. When the plates do not move smoothly, earthquakes result. Some parts of the world get more earthquakes than other parts. The parts of the earth that get most earthquakes are near the edges of these plates.

Which sentence explains what CAUSES earthquakes?

When the plates do not move smoothly, earthquakes result.
