Job Corps History
Job Corps Program
Applying for Job Corps
What Makes Boxelder Job Corps Special
Life after Boxelder Job Corps

Was the President that signed the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964.

Who is President Lyndon B. Johnson.


These are the 8 trades offered at Boxelder.

What are Carpentry, painting, facilities maintenance, welding, electrical, natural resources, office administration, and culinary arts?


Students must be this old to apply for Job Corps.

What is 16-24.


This makes our high school program a quality program.

What is our affiliation with the Lead/Deadwood School District.


Students graduate and go into this pathway after passing the ASVAB and MEPS.

What is the military?


These are local projects in the Black Hills that the Boxelder Job Corps students have built.

What are the Pactola Visitors Center, Forest Service Supervisors Office Warehouse, Brownsviille Fire Hall, Newcastle Visitors Center and Spearfish Forest Service Work Center?


Boxelder offers these educational programs.

What is a GED or High School Diploma?


The requirements to enroll in Job Corps.

What are: Meets Low-income criteria, Individualized Education Plan, IEP (if applicable), Qualifies for Free or Reduced Lunch, Diagnosed disability (if applicable), Receives public assistance, SNAP or Medicaid, *Signed consent from a parent or guardian


This trade is an great segway into Parks or the Forest Service.

What is Natural Resources?

This pathway is utilized by our carpentry, painting, and electrical programs.  

What is an apprenticeship?


These are local projects in the Black Hills that Boxelder students helped restore.

What are the Friendship Tower, Camp Bob Marshall, Camp Crook Ranger Station, Hardy Guard Station, Custer Playhouse, Tee Pee Work Center, and Custer Peak Fire Tower?


The five ways students can earn transition money while on center.

What are the Fire Crew, Mobile Kitchen Cooking, Camp Crew, Work Based Learning, and Apprenticeships?


Things you need to bring to the application meeting.

What are Social Security Card (signed), Birth Certificate, Photo ID or Driver’s License, Guardianship paperwork (if applicable)


This is one of 3 in Job Corps that helps serve firefighters while on the fire line.

What is the mobile kitchen?


Students taking this pathway must take the ACCUPLACER or ACT tests.

What is the college pathway?


Students helped with recovery efforts from these disasters. 

What was the Rapid City Flood of 1972, Space Shuttle Recovery, and Hurricane Katrina Rebuild?


Graduating students are followed for this amount of time after leaving.

What is one year after their first job?


This person must be present at your interview if you are a minor.

Who is a legal guardian? 


The Boxelder Job Corps program is located in the middle of this

The Beautiful Black Hills


This pathway option allows Job Corps students to receive more specific training in their trade career.

What is advanced training?


Boxelder no longer has these trades.

What do Auto Maintenance, Bricklaying, Computer Networking, and Certified Nursing Assistant have in common?


This is the number of dorms we have on center.

What is 2 male dorms and 1 female dorm? 


The maximum gross income for a household of four to be eligible for Job Corps?  


This department focuses on the holistic approach when working with students.

What is health and wellness?

Full Time: 3 nurses, a mental health consultant, & Addiction Assistance

1 Day a week:  Doctor, Dentist, Dental Hygienist


The purpose of Job Corps.

What is to secure and maintain employment in a career?
