Things the Terminal Managers want to Talk About
I like Big
BUS and Little Bus
And I cannot lie!
Ooo, You're
in Trouble!

This is what it's called when you are asked to go home and change into appropriate clothing for driving children at Cherry Creek Schools.

What is "Coverage Time?"


During practice days, this is what you should ensure is correct on your Tyler Tablet.

Are Fortnite and Tetris updated to the latest version?

(Actually, please check your routes.  Help us improve them)


A favorite chicken at Popeye's, and also a behavior you should watch out for and stop with your students.

What is "Roasting?"


The Tie Rod was invented in 1830 in an area of Chile and Argentina, whose name translates from Spanish to "Land of Fire."

Where is Tierra del Fuego?  Which is also a salsa at Del Taco


Politics should not be discussed loudly enough to be overheard in the lounge.  This is an excellent alternative, non-controversial topic.

What is World Religions?


These things should never be used for this purpose- texting, facebook, voicemail, snail-mail, carrier pigeon, Twitter (X), Instagram, What's App, and Smoke Signals.

What is sending money to a Saudi Prince, and Calling Out Sick?


This item from the previous week should stay on your bus until after you've completed your route on Monday Morning, or the first day of school that week.

What is an expired bologna sandwich.

Also, Log Sheets.


This song from Shirley Ellis in 1965 would help you with Student Management, and featured the lyrics "Shirley, Shirley Bo Burley, Banana-Fana Fo Firley....."

What is "The Name Game?"  

Scan cards and learn your students' names to help with Student Management


This bus fluid can leak onto the tie rods.  It helps clean the exhaust, and when empty, you should call the shop on Channel C to see if they can refill it.

What is Diesel Emissions Fluid, or DEF?


This person is checking you out at the end of the day.  Not a Librarian.

What is a member of the Operations Team?  In case there is another route that needs to be covered or a broken down bus.


When entering hours into Oracle, instead of entering when each shift begins and ends, it's easiest to just put the hours for the day into the "Quantity" Column. When the shift is outside your package hours, and not "Regular Time", this is the category it should be classified as:

What is 877-CASH-NOW!!? Call JG Wentworth! 877-CASH NOW.  Call now!  

Or "Extra Regular" or "Field Trip" or "Training."


Forget Cancun, Santa Barbara, and Spain.  This is the most prestigious and appropriate summer destination if you bid an ESY route, or summer work.

Where is Centennial?

Please work your entire ESY route, the kids need you!!


This is where you park your Brand, Factory New Bus that you were lucky enough to be assigned to.

Where is, Shop Bay 1.  

It lives there now. 


This bus fluid was featured in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding," where it was rumored to have magical powers, like healing rashes and removing paint scratches from cars.  It should be added by the driver, not the Shop.

What is Windex, or Washer Fluid?


This is when it's appropriate to scan students on and off the bus.

When is never?  Always scan the ID card, not the child.


This is how often you should update your timecard in Oracle.

When is, when my Supervisor notices I accidentally put in five, 15 hour shifts this week.

(Or, weekly.)


This is the most refreshing beverage to consume during your personal leave time during the school year.

What is a "Subpoena Colada".  Or "Jury Duty Daiquiri."  

No vacation time is approved during the 180 days of school.


BEEF, it's what's for dinner. This is what should NEVER be for lunch.

What is, somebody else's lunch.  Seriously, please don't touch my food.  


This is something that occurs every Monday at the close of business.

What is saying "one day down, four to go!"

And field trip bids are due.


This 1985 song by Motley Crue was the first to chart on the Top 40, and described a safe haven for nicotine addicts.

What is "Smokin' in the Boys' Room".


This is why you can't take off any more than 14 days during the school year.

What is, because 14 days is TOO WEAK! (Weeks)


The back door handle, the rear door latch, open emergency windows and hatches, the transmission not being in park:

What are the top reasons your Bus won't start.  

And maybe not enough coffee.



What is the current total number of open routes at Cherry Creek Schools?

Please be here every day you can- YOU have a huge influence on your students succeeding in school.

Thank you!


Congrats to Wanda V! Winner of the 2024 International Bus Rodeo Champion!! 

How do you spell her name?



This non-functional piece of machinery is temporarily located in a newly remodeled restroom at the West Terminal.

What is a Xerox, or copy machine.
