It's "Lights" Out For You
Shared Mems
Just Another Category (grab bag)
Sibs and Fam

Brrr. Lights would love to go to this place with her "Beau" as she sings on the title track of this album.

What is Siberia?


Jeff infamously feels terrible about swearing at Scott at this location. What a potty mouth!

What is Stonehurst


Laying on their floor, J+S listened to AIO, but mom would hide new purchases for this special occasion.

What is family vacation.


How many boxes can i count?! This cereal is Jeff's go to for a bday tradition.

What is Frosted Flakes?


Nae Nae Gordon Midge Beans Math Facts Number One - Renae's affectionate (if lengthy) nickname. B, S, and J came up with names for multiple siblings instead of going to bed - Scott's was this. 

What is Pom Pom ? (is this right? lol)


An LGBTQIA+ slay queen girlie, Lights scandalized the Bandy household by singing about the weather on this albumless single with a nod to her bisexuality.

What is "My Boots" ?


Saved by the toy truck. Jeff's life was saved when this fell down on his indestructible Fisher Price (or similar) toy.

What is a closet door?


Quick! Destroy the Imagination Station! This override code would definitely not fly under today's password security rules (although a yummy reminder for Whit to eat some lunch)

What is "applesauce" ? 


"The time has come" for you to do this - Jeff's favourite thing to forcibly make Scott watch when they get together. Scott's a Jorgeous stan.

What is "lip sync for your life" ?


Scott once got his comeuppance subsequent to gloating after his semi-final win in a Baird Lost Heir tourney. He was then spanked! by this duo.

Who are Uncle Lloyed and Aunt Megan.


Lights chuckles as the intro to Same Sea begins due to her recording partner seeing this for the first time. The laugh was kept in the final mix.

What is her baby bump (bonus points if you said the word "rocket")

Scott and Jeff have shared connection to this House of Heroes song despite Jeff's distain for the band growing up.

What is "By Your Side"


"Oink! The Troops!" is the famous quote of Marvin Washington exploring the black history of this historic event.

What is The American Revolutionary War.


Jeff and Scott returned to theatres for this movie multiple times (unsure of why). During one of the viewings, we heard a chuckle from Mike Wilbur at the idea of evolution.

What is Journey to the Center of the Earth (slay Josh Hutch!)


Aunt Brenda famously ruined this movie for the twins after hollering and slapping the couch before any action happened.

What is Jurassic Park


Our queen hears whispers from this naturally occurring phenomenon in the lead single from her second album, "Toes".

What are the Westerlies?


Swoon. Jeff loved having this man posted up on the twins wall - a movie poster purchased at walmart was a great spend.

Who is Jake Gyllenhaal 


Rodney Rathbone infamously spearheaded his little gang of punks under this moniker.

What is "The Bones of Rath"


On a scale from 1-14, without looking, Jeff is currently reading which Wheel of Time Book? Bonus point for who he currently thing is serving c*nt.

What is Book 7 - A Crown of Swords.

Bonus point. Any of the following: Elayne, Aviendah, Egwene, Siuan

Not vibing Min and Faile rn. (Bold prediction that Faile actually turns to the Dark One)


Mom and Dad called each other's bluff riding this ride at Canada's Wonderland. Mom's tummy certainly did not agree.

What is the Behemouth?


Jeff has seen Lights in concert with three siblings, in three different cities, but has seen her shred a total of this many times.

What is 5


The twins went to see this movie, their first "14A" rating, about a computer terrorist.

What is Eagle Eye? (Although, I'm not sure if it was this, or Vantage Point, so will accept either)


To put it colloquially, he's in love. Eugene marries this daughter of a wealthy, but distant father who died during the Novacom scandal

Who is Katrina Shanks (i looked this up - no way i would've remembered this)


Serving as the lead in the Living Christmas Tree, Scott and Jeff performed this many shows respectively (hint, not an even split)

Scott - 6; Jeff - 8 - and yes I will continue to gloat since you got the trumpet solo... it was all downhill from me after that.


This Bible character is one mom says she relates to - she's not great at the follow through, but proclaims miracles with joy.

Who is Rhoda? (The queen that left Peter knocking at the door after his angelic escape from jail)
