The legal blood alcohol count while driving is
.08% if you are over 21
If you get in a collision you must show proof of what to the other drivers involved
when buying a vehicle you have how many days to transfer ownership to your name
Red flashing lights
Lights aren't working use as 4 way stop sign
If you get convicted of a DUI, your license will be suspended or revoked for
1 year
You are required to show proof of what when you drive and go in for a drivers test
when selling a vehicle you must notify the dmv within how many days?
Red and white sign with arrows with a crossed out red circle mean
Do not make specific kinds of turns
red arrow
No turn allowed
At what age are you allowed to have alcohol in the vehicle
21 if it is a closed container.
Name 3 of the most common causes of collisions
driver distractions, unsafe speeds, improper turns, not following the right of way rules, not following stop signals and signs, driving on the wrong side of the road, a vehicle is driving faster or slower than the flow of traffic
how many days to you have to register an out of state vehicle after you become a resident or get a job in california?
Yellow diamond sign with a black straight line and a dotted line with a curvy line
lane ends
Yellow sign with car and wavy lines
Slippery when wet
if you are found with alcohol in your vehicle under 21 law enforcement can
impound your care for up to 30 days
If you are in a collision, you must STOP. Call 911. move your vehicle out if traffic if possible, show your drivers license, and what other information with the police officer and others involved in the accident
Insurance information, vehicle registration, current address of the driver
Green square signs
Guide signs
yellow sign with person profile
Pedestrian crossing
True or False: if you are working for someone and under the age of 21 you can carry alcoholic beverages in closed containers.
If you car hits, or rollsinto a parked car and you can not find the owner of the car,
leave a note with your name phone number and address and securely attach the note to the vehicle or property, and report to law enforcement.
When registering your vehicle you will need to pass what kind of test?
Emissions test
Yellow flashing arrow
proceed to turn left after yielding to oncoming traffic
circle yellow sign with x and to r's
Railroad crossing