What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is being aware of your present moment (thought, feeling, and physical sensations) without judgement and without trying to change it. It is full awareness, having an open mind.
What is Distress Tolerance?
Distress Tolerance helps tolerate difficult situations and emotional pain when the problems can't be solved right away.
What is "walking the middle path"?
It is using your current viewpoint and an opposing viewpoint, leading to a combination of both perspectives—and change occurring.
Why is it important to be in charge of your emotions?
Emotions can be difficult to manage, lead to problematic behaviors, and impact effectiveness of solutions to emotions
What are interpersonal skills?
Building and maintaining relationships
What does mindfulness help you have more control over?
choices and behaviors
Why do we tolerate painful feelings?
Pain is a part of life and can't be avoided.
How does dialectics teach us important life points?
There is always more than one way to see a situation and more than one way to solve a problem.
Each person has unique qualities and different people have different points of view.
Change is the only constant.
Two things that seem like opposites can both be true.
Honor the truth on both sides of a conflict.
What are the ABC skills?
Accumulate positive experiences, Build mastery, and cope
What does the GIVE stand for in GIVE skills?
Gentle, interested, Validate, and Easy mannered
How does mindfulness help you be more productive?
We can learn how to be more actively engaged in a relationship, task, or hobby. When you can stay more focused on goals, you are more apt to reach them.
What are two examples of self-soothing?
Using ice to calm down when distressed and deep breathing
Why can we not use assumptions when practicing using the middle ground?
Assumptions increase the chance of conflict and dysregulation when engaging in conversation with others.
What are the PLEASE skills?
Physical illness, eating, avoid mood altering substances, sleep, exercise
What does DEAR MAN stand for?
Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce or Reward, Mindful, Appear confident, and Negotiate
How do you gain skills using mindfulness?
Practice every day to make it a habit.
How does using temperature help you regulate yourself when distressed?
shocks the system to reduce panic and distress in the moment
What is an example of an "I Statement" one could use when expressing anger?
I feel angry when I am not heard, and my opinions are not considered.
What is the function of emotions?
Emotions give us information and signal something, whether positive or negative, is happening.
How do FAST skills maintain self respect?
FAST skills allow you to advocate for yourself and stop people pleasing behaviors
What are the 3 states of mind?
Reasonable, Emotional, and Wise Mind
What does the ACCEPTS distress tolerance skill stand for?
Activities, Contributing, Comparisions, Emotions, Pushing away, thoughts, and Sensations
How could mind reading increase anger when communicating with others?
Mind reading hinders other people from being able to express themselves and voice their opinions about what is occurring from their perspective.
What is the goal of emotion regulation?
understand your experience, reduce emotional vulnerability, decrease frequency of unwanted emotions, decrease emotional suffering
What are some factors to considers when implementing these skills?
priorities, capability, timeliness, preparations, relationships, and compromise