Appearance vs. reality
Sacrifice for the greater good
Healing takes time
Patience as a virtue
What is the full title of the play we studied?
I bought a beautiful dress at the mall. What part of speech is "beautiful"?
_________ is a literary device that allows writers to show their audience specific events that happened before the current action of the story.
________ appeals to your trust of others (celebrity endorsements).
What is the point of view of "Long Long After School"?
First Person
What reason does Antonio give for why he is sad?
He does not give a reason.
What did she ask you to do? What part of speech is "she"?
___________ can be verbal, situational or dramatic and has the result of the meaning, situation or action being one thing but meaning something different.
__________ appeals to your emotions.
Why is nobody home in "There Will Come Soft Rains"?
Everyone is dead.
What are the 3 caskets that Portia's suitors must choose from?
Gold, silver, lead
If we finish our work quickly we can go to the movies. What part of speech is "quickly"?
________ is a concrete or physical object that represents an abstract concept.
_____________ appeals to your sense of logic.
Which is NOT a theme of “The Necklace”?
Appreciate what you have
Always tell the truth
Hard work pays off
History repeats itself
History repeats itself
According to Tubal’s report, for what reason did Jessica trade Shylock’s ring?
A monkey
I want to go to a university in the United States. What part of speech is "university"?
__________ is when authors give human traits to animals or some other lifeless object.
____________ ______ are advertisements that are placed where you wouldn’t normally see an ad.
Ambient Ads
What is the mood created in “Gentleman, Your Verdict”?
1. Half his wealth to Antonio (in a trust for J & L)
2. Half his wealth for J&L in his will
3. Convert to Christianity
After lunch let's go out for a coffee. What part of speech is "after"?
________ is a minor story that runs inside the main story.
___________ _______ are advertisements based on your interests (algorithm resulting from your social media/internet searches).
Targeted Ads