Psychology Theories
My Roman Empire
Harry Potter Pals
80s Ladies

Word to your mother!

This theory focuses on unconscious drives that were experienced or suppressed in our early childhood development. The therapist interprets a client's free association.

Psychoanalytic Theory

Freud's Theory


If you have a shift today, what is the deadline for checking into the shift?

12am or midnight


One of the Triumvirate, this Roman general took sole power over the empire after defeating Pompey in a civil war.

He was assassinated on the floor of the Roman senate in 44 BC. Et Tu Brute!

Julius Caesar


Known for their red hair and eccentric home, this family was been loyal to Harry throughout the Harry Potter series.

Weasley Family

Time after time, this music artist is known for her iconic, edgy appearance and strong vocals. But when the working day is done, she just wants to have fun.

Cyndi Lauper


Pavlov's Dogs

Classical & Operant Conditioning

Pairing stimuli with rewards and punishment


Behavioral Theory


When are progress notes due?

12pm the day following a shift.


The Latin phrase for the unprecedented geopolitical unity and stability during the Roman Empire's Peak.

Pax Romana


Talk about a time turner!

This bookworm Brunette was the smarts behind the terrific trio during the Harry Potter series.

Hermione Granger


Originally an actress, like her husband, this former first lady joined the War on Drugs with her "Just Say No" Campaign.

Nancy Reagan


Founded by Aaron Beck and influenced by Albert Ellis, this school of THOUGHT focuses on schemas and underlying beliefs.

Thoughts ---> Emotions ---> Actions

Cognitive Theory


What is the office phone number and extension for pager?

(602) 277-4833 ext. 3

(602) 277-4833 ext. 306

Daytime: ask for Case Manager of the Day


This Roman Emperor was known for his cruelty, from persecution of early Christians to allegedly setting fire to Rome.



The guy who never moved on from school.

This is one of the first characters introduced in the series as he brings Harry to the Dursley's home. He was wrongfully expelled for hiding Aragog from the school administration during the first Chamber of Secrets Crisis.

Rubius Hagrid


Regarded as the "Queen of Pop", this Material Girl and provocative icon has been recognized for her continual reinvention throughout the decades.



Pioneered by Carl Rogers, this theory and therapeutic approach focuses on listening to the client and reflecting their statements so the therapist can understand the client. The relationship is the intervention!

Humanistic Theory

Person-centered Theory


You have a shift and it ran 2 hours and 6 minutes. How many interventions per target behavior do you do on your progress note?

1 intervention per target behavior.


This City State warred against Rome, reaching the peak of hostility during the Punic Wars between 264-146 BCE.



Although carrying a reputation as an eccentric, fantastical, even Loony Hogwarts student, this Potter Supporter showed a warrior heart, defeated dementors, and also comforted others in distress.

Luna Lovegood


Beginning her career as a child actress on the sitcoms Diff'rent Strokes and The Facts of Life, she joined the Breakfast Club and was nominated for a Golden Globe for her performance in the drama film Tempest. 

Molly Ringwald


Researched at the start by John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth, this theory is all about the art of human connection and relationships that begins with our primary caregivers.

Is the world a safe place? Can I trust it?

Attachment Theory


You have a shift and it ran 2 hours and 8 minutes long. How many interventions do you do per target behavior.

2 interventions per target behavior.


Known for riding elephants into Rome's invasion of Britain, this emperor also expanded the empire by annexing Mauretania, Lycia in Asia Minor, and Thrace and enlarging and reorganizing imperial possessions in the Near East. 



Despite his tragic origins and timid nature, this character displays the Heart of a Lion as he leads the underground Resistance and slays the Dark Lord's pet hoarcrux with the sword of Gryffindor.

Neville Longbottom


This American singer, actress, film producer, and philanthropist is known as "the Voice." She began singing at New Hope Baptist Church in Newark, New Jersey, as a child and became a background vocalist while in high school. Her most famous songs include "All the Man That I Need," "Exhale (Shoop Shoop)," and "I Will Always Love You." 

Whitney Houston
