What divided the Holy Place and the Most Holy?

 a. Altar Incense b. Brazen Altar c. Candle Stick d. Veil

Answer: D ( Exo. 26:33 )


What should you do if you see your Enemy’s animal going astray? 

a. Keep it b. Kill it c. Leave it Alone d. Return it

Answer: D ( Exo. 23: 4 )


Piercing a slaves ear with a sharp tool was called what? 

a. An Abomination b. God’s Law c. Evil   d. Owner’s Rights

Answer: B ( Exo. 21:1, 6 )


I will not drive them out from before you in one year, lest the land become desolate and __________. 

a. Cause you to be lonely 

b. The wild beast multiply against you 

c. Peaceful 

d. Become abundance

Answer: B ( Exo. 23:29 )


Each one who is numbered in the census shall give this: ______ according to the shekel of the sanctuary ( the shekel is twenty gerahs), half a shekel as an offering to the Lord. 

a. 10% of their possessions 

b. A half shekel 

c. As much as one desired to give freely from their heart 

d. Full of their belongings

Answer: B ( Exo. 30:13 )


What was the Sabbath for? 

a. Celebration b. Rest c. Travel d. Worship

Answer: B ( Exo. 31:15 )


Who are the Name of a person that God chosen and given the skills of craftsmanship. 

a. Bezalel and Ohaliab b. Moses and Aaron c. Joshua and Caleb d. Jethro and Miriam

Answer: A ( Exo. 31:1-6 )


Under God’s Law, once a father has sold his daughter as a slave, what is the master supposed to do with the slave if he is not pleased with her? 

a. Sell her back to her father 

b. Sell her at an auction 

c. Keep her anyway 

d. Release her

Answer: A ( Exo. 21:7 )


Complete the verse “ and let them make me a sanctuary, that I may ________.“ 

a. Instruct them all at once 

b. Watch them worship 

c. Dwell in their midst 

d. Hear their prayer

Answer: C ( Exo. 25:8 )


You shall consecrate them, that they may be most holy. Whatever touches them will become ________. 

a. Holy b. Priests c. Sweet-smelling d. Blessing

Answer: A  (Exo. 30:29 )


How many of the Ten Commandments deal with our Relationship to other human. 

a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 d. 10

Answer: B ( Exo. 20 )


How were the Commandments written? 

a. Chiseled by Aaron 

b. In the presence of the Children of Israel

c. By the hand of Moses 

d. By the Finger of God

Answer: D ( Exo. 31:18 )


Under God’s Law, what should happen if a child hits or curse their mother or father? 

a. They should receive 3 strike with a rod 

b. They should not be allowed to eat for 3 days 

c. They should be killed 

d. They should run bear foot around the city

Answer: C ( Exo. 21:15,17 )


And you shall put the _______ on the top of the ark, and in the ark you shall put the testimony that I shall give you. 

a. Book of Judgment b. Incense c. Mercy Seat d. Tablet

Answer: C ( Exo. 25:21 )


Moses saw that ________ had let the people get out of control. They were being wild, and all their enemies could see them acting like fools. 

a. Aaron b. God c. Satan d. Law

Answer: A ( Exo. 32:22 )


Which False Idol was worshipped at the Mount Horebm a. Silver Monkey b. Bronze Ox c. Golden Calf d. Wooden Goat

Answer: C ( Exo. 32:7-8 )


What did God say would happen if the Israelites obeyed his commands and kept his agreement (covenant). 

a. They would be his special people 

b. They would become a special nation 

c. They would become a kingdom of priests

d. All of the above

Answer: D ( Exo. 19:5-6 )


__________ times in the year you shall keep a feast to me. 

a. 1 b. 3 c. 7 d. 14

Answer: B ( Exo. 23:14 )


Complete the verse, “ and see that you make them after the pattern for them, which is being shown you _______.“ 

a. Beside the River b. Under the Acacia Tree 

c. On the Mountain d. In the Desert

Answer: C ( Exo. 25:40 )


And when all the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the entrance of the tent, all the people would rise up and worship, _________. 

a. Each at his tent door b. Each at the altar 

c. Each in the Holy Place d. Each in the outside

Answer: A ( Exo. 33:10 )


What is the Name of the Mountain where they worship the Golden Calf. 

a. Mount Sanai b. Mount Moriah c. Mount Horeb d. Mount Bethel

Answer: C


What did God say the Israelites should do to keep the Sabbath Holy? 

a. Do not do any Work 

b. Go to the Temple and confess their sins 

c. Help other People 

d. Do not delay any Works

Answer: A ( Exo. 20:8-10 )


You shall not boil a young goat in _________. 

a. Milk 

b. It’s mother’s milk 

c. Milk with no fat 

d. Milk with full of fat

Answer: B ( Exo. 23:19 )


Put the clothes on your brother Aaron and his sons. Then pour the special __________ on them to make them priests. This will make them Holy, and they will serve me as priests. 

a. Blood b. Oil c. Wine d. Water

Answer: B ( Exo. 28:40; 29:7 )


Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses _______, as a man speaks to his friend. a. Face to face 

b. In his heart 

c. Through his words written on the tablets of stone 

d. In the dreams

Answer: A ( Exo. 33:11 )
