Jeopardy-Like Category 1
Jeopardy-Like Category 2
Non Jeopardy-Like Category 1
Non Jeopardy-Like Category 2

"The procedure for missing work."

What is:

Emergency and unplanned immediately enter your absence in Frontline or call if after 6:30 am.(page 4) Text Shannon, Aimee and Sonia.

Personal days are preplanned days and you get 3 a year. You need to have personal days approved and get your substitute lined up. You must submit a request in writing and check the calendar to make sure we don’t have too many educators out that specific day.


"Face to Name procedure and frequency."

Any time you are leaving a space, entering a space or crossing a threshold

Call the students' names, look at their face, check them on the sheet.


The following are times that name to face should be conducted each time you cross a threshold. Examples

  • Arrival    

  • Prior to leaving the room

  • During recess

  • When getting ready to re-enter the building

  • Once arrived at the destination (outside, MPR, bathroom, etc.)

  • Once returned to the classroom

  • Departure

  • Name-to-Face should be conducted during any emergency drill.

  • Any time a student leaves the custody of the educator/para (bathroom, special education services etc.) the location must be put on the Name-to-Face.


What is the extension to call for help during the day?



Can parents/families hang out in the classroom at drop off?

We suggest no. It is often hard for students to separate so we recommend a fun activity in the room, a quick squeeze from the adult and then they should go. Be prepared with some fidgets or stuffies to distract a sad friend.


"What must be included in both my emergency sub plans and a daily sub plan."

Both para sub plans/responsibilities AND facilitator sub plans and responsibilities

Access to google face to name form

Laminated Face to Name sheet

Class roster

Transition routines

Daily schedule

List of students with special needs, allergies, behavioral support

Emergency procedures folder


"The teacher to student ratio."

"What is 1:8?"


What is GoTo and how can I use my phone?

You can search ‘GoTo Connect’ on the APS website and watch the video of how to log into your account. You can even download the app and have access to your work phone from anywhere!


How often are facilitators expected to communicate to their entire class?

At least once a month facilitators should send a class newsletter.


"The staff members that can receive your lesson plans by email."

Who are Jennifer, Sonia and Oscar?


"Procedure for missing child"

If a student is missing from class or does not return to class:

  • Check the sign-in log to verify the child has not been checked out.

  • Radio the main office and administrative staff and say “Code blue” then give the location, and say the initials of the child”

  • All available staff should be checking everywhere inside the building; bathrooms, empty classrooms, all classrooms, etc.

  • Jennifer or Sonia should be viewing the cameras to see if they can see the child.

  • Check the grounds of the school and the neighborhood around the school.

  • If the child is not found, call 911.  Share Child’s description including  dress. 

  • Next, call parents.

Call APD as soon as you have verified the child is not in the building or on the campus, and continue to search the neighborhood.


What if I need help from a custodian?

If you need something immediately, call the front office at 23801 or 23802 and they will find Gary or Anthony. An immediate need could be vomit or bathroom accident. Please do not radio for help unless you can’t use the phone.

If you need something fixed, please fill out this form 


Is it okay for me to email the entire staff?

Nope. Email Shannon and Aimee and they can add your communication to the Dragonflyer.


"The types of leave available."

What are:

  1. Sick

  2. Personal (3 days per year)

  3. Bereavement

  4. Jury Duty


"The way to keep the building safe."

  • locked position but open, with a gate in place.

  • Never ever prop a door open

  • Make sure the outside doors get shut behind you when you leave

  • Close blinds at the end of the day

  • Ask to see a badge or visitor pass if you see someone unknown in the hallway or call the office for support.


What is my budget and how do I order items I need?

Each classroom gets $300. Please use this form to order supplies for your classroom.


What are the radio expectations/protocols?

Radios are for emergencies-lots of blood, not breathing, extreme/dangerous behavior etc. They are also for support outside. Remember that bathroom support for children can often be handled by bringing 8 kids in.

Your radio should always be on.

When you initiate a radio call you should:

  • Identify : Identify yourself

  • Request: Make your request and say over when you finish speaking

  • Wait: Wait for a response

  • Respond: Respond if the request was for you


"The date emergency sub plans must be turned in to Sonia."

What is Setember 15th?


"The door where parents will enter and exit."

What is:

ALL families will enter and exit the door on the west side of the school that is closest to the media center. We know it will be crowded. Please be sure to tell families that they will enter from the blacktop through one door. That is why we have the 15 minute window.


When should attendance be taken?

Attendance should be taken in Infinite Campus 9:45  and 1:30. It is important you do your attendance in a timely and accurate manner so the office can call home about absentee students as soon as possible.


How often should staff check email and respond?

Every staff member should check their email at least twice a day. All emails should be responded to within 24 hours. 
