Dye Family Travels
Things Dad Says
Great Dye Sports Moments
Dad Songs
Dad Movies

The first foreign country we all traveled to together,

What is Panama?


What dad says before you leave the car in school drop off

What is "Remember Who you are and Whose you are"


This past spring Jack made an unassisted one of these to end a major scoring threat on the baseball field.

An unassisted double play (caught a hard line drive and stepped on second to double the runner up)


Name 3 of the 5 most common songs dad sang to rock you guys to sleep

Rocky Top, River in the Rain, Smoky Mountain Rain, It is Well, How Great Thou Art 


Dad's least favorite Star Wars character of all time

Who is Jar Jar Banks


The museum in Madrid that dad and Jack were sad to miss out on

What is the Prado?

The verse dad tells you whenever we are outside under the stars at night (either reference or a close paraphrase will suffice)

What is Psalm 103:11 - As high as the heavens are above the Earth, so great is His love for those who Fear Him"


This person sunk a free throw in sudden death double overtime to hand the Green something or other their first loss ever.

Who is Lizzie


If this Red Hot Chili Peppers Song comes on at any point it is forbidden to change the song. If you do not know the name you can sing a line or two or hum the tune.

What is Under the Bridge


Two of Dads top three animated Disney Movies

101 Dalmations, Fox and the Hound, Robin Hood


The most northern City the Dye Family has spent the night in together

What is Nairn?


Of the following, what does dad tell you to value most: Being Cool, Being Kind, Being On Time, or Being First

Be Kind


This person swam the freestyle leg of the 100m Medley relay and helped set a City record despite having the reaction time of a sloth on her start.

Who is Mary Margaret


The Rooster in Robin Hood is the singer who sings which of one of Dad's favorite songs?

River in the Rain - Roger Miller


Movie soundtrack dad tortured everyone (but mom) with while driving the Isle of Skye this summer

What is Braveheart


The person who is on front of the Monument to the Explorers located on the Tagus River in Lisbon

Who is Henry the Navigator?


Fill in the blanks: "Do things the _______way, not the _______ way"

Right and Easy


This person made one of the rarest plays in all of sports (who and what)

Lizzie turned a legit triple play in softball


Name four music groups of the 90s that are among dads regular rotation - Non Country

U2, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pearl Jam, REM, Aerosmith, Hootie, Dave Mathews Band, Metallica, Tom Petty, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Green Day, Smashing Pumpkins, Counting Crows, Blues Traveller, Guns N Roses, Stone Temple Pilots


Dad's favorite movie genre between: Action, Comedy, Historical Drama, Mystery, ROMCOM, Documentary, Horror

What is Historical Drama


The number of countries dad has been to in Asia not counting a layover in Hong Kong

Four (Mongolia, China, Thailand, Turkey)


This is how you can start your day with a feeling of getting something done and owning your day.

What is: Making your bed

This person has played in the most WNSL semi final and championship games of the family

Jack across baseball, basketball, and flag football


The band that was playing in Portugal that Dad wanted to jump off the train to crash when we passed it

Who are the Red Hot Chili Peppers


One of dad's all time favorite movies that has been in his favorites the longest (since childhood)

The Goonies
