What is Indonesian word for 'front yard'?
Halaman depan.
What is the name of the place where people sit on the floor while eating.
what is Indonesian word for 'coach'
How would say, 'I like studying Indonesian'.
Saya suka belajar Bahasa Indonesia.
What is Indonesian word for 'winter'
musim dingin.
How would you say, 'quite big/big enough' in Indonesian?
cukup besar.
How would you say, 'quite busy/busy enough' in Indonesian?
cukup ramai.
What is the translation of 'My team' in Indonesian?
Team saya / Tim saya.
How would you, 'My English teacher's name' in Indonesian?
Nama guru bahasa Inggris saya.
Translate, 'My family like summer'.
Keluarga saya suka musim panas.
Translate this, 'Their bedroom is small'.
Kamar tidur mereka kecil.
Penjual bakso or pedagang bakso.
What is the name of Indonesian sport that starts with 't' and ends with 'w'?
What does 'some students are friendly' in Indonesian?
Beberapa murid ramah.
Translate this into English, 'Banyak orang pergi ke gunung'.
Many people go to the mountain.
Translate this into English, 'Rumah kami jauh lebih kecil dari pada rumah mereka'.
Our house is far smaller than their house.
Translate this, 'Swanston Street is far cleaner than the Malioboro Street'.
Jalan Swanston jauh lebih bersih dari pada jala Malioboro.
Translate this, 'our coach is far stronger than your coach' into Indonesian.
Pelatih kami jauh lebih kuat dari pada pelatih kamu.
Translate this, 'Maths is far difficult than Indonesian language' into Indonesian.
Matematika jauh lebih sukar/sulit dari pada Bahasa Indonesia.
Translate this, 'Melbourne's winter is far colder than Sydney's winter' into Indonesian.
Musim dingin Melbourne jauh lebih dingin dari pada musim dingin Sydney.
How would you say, "My house's roof is made of tiles' in Indonesian.
Atap rumah saya terbuat dari genting.
How would you say, 'There are many roadside sellers in Jakarta' in Indonesian language?
How would you say, 'My team has won three time this season' in Indonesian.
Team/tim saya sudah menang tiga kali musim ini.
How would you say, 'There are many facilities in my school' in Indonesian?
Ada banyak fasilitas di sekolah saya.
Translate this into Indonesian, 'Today's weather is not as cold as yesterday's weather'.
Cuaca hari ini tidak sedingin cuaca kemarin.