Jabba likes to dine at this Pizza spot with its famous red roof
Pizza Hut
Tom Brady
The all time leading rushing for the Lions
Barry Sanders
This cheesy team was the first to win a Super Bowl
Green Bay packers
Buffalo Wild Wings
Playing for both teams, She was Cat Woman and Storm comic characters
This USA Olympic athlete has the most Olympic gold medals EVER at 23
The Buffalo wing is actually not named after the animal. What State were they founded in?
New York
Walmart wanted to go bigger, so they created this
a Supercenter
Barry Bonds
This baller is famous for his 6-0 Finals Record.
Michael Jordan
This rock band was later founded by the Beatles legend, Paul McCarteney
Little Caesars
If you get in too much trouble at school, you might just skip the principal's office and go to the person on top
This Northeast state produces the most blueberries...totaling at 160+ pounds!
This jungle cat golfer is tied second with men's major championships.
Tiger Woods
Chicken's long, long ancestor is the main villain in Jurassic Park
This poor boy's mom never quite feed him enough pizza when he was young
Hungry Howies
This show revolves around the Winchester brothers as they travel to take down evil creatures and paranormal forces
Barry Gibb favorite insect stings and buzzes. He is also known for what disco heavy band
Bee Gees
The "King of Clay" is Spanish tennis legend. He shares a name with a red Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
Rafael Nadal
Speaking of Buffalo Wild Wings....it founded is this city 42 years ago. This city shares a name with a fellow co-work of yours