This is the post-session report deadline
What is 24 hours?
Tutor skills
What is: subject competency, strong communication, record-keeping skills, time-management, ability to perceive student needs, attention to detail, ...
Paul Illich
Who is the president of SCC?
The place where you can find Upswing and Request a Tutor
What is Canvas?
No text notification - only email
What is a recent change in WCO notifications?
3 per subject; 6 total
How many hours a week can a student get tutoring?
Tutor traits
What is: empathy, patience, respect, enthusiasm, racial/cultural sensitivity, sense of humor...
Food pantry, CAPS, and Accommodations
What are some services provided by the Student Support Center?
The place to go to help students reset passwords (but NOT with WCO issues!)
What is the Help Desk?
What does tutoring cost?
Help a student with test questions
What should a tutor not do?
Be judgmental, condescending, sarcastic, or negative
What should a tutor never do?
How much is the all-you-can-eat lunch in the cafeteria?
The first week of classes, many students come to the TTC not for tutoring but for help with this
What is help with Canvas, logging into the Hub, creating a WCO account, etc.
The place where you can find something that breathes and has a pulse but isn't alive
What is the Health Sciences Building? (Nursing floor/3rd floor mannequins)
Timesheets and WCO schedules should do this
What is match?
A good post-session report includes...
What is: address the student by name, statement of encouragement, specific next steps, invite back, include survey link, and email report to client within 24 hours (Shannon: personal email strongly encouraged?)
Campuses that offer Welding
What is Lincoln, Milford, and Beatrice?
The EdReady website helps students place into MATH0900. This is where they can sign up for it.
What is Transitions?
The doom of all mankind ("I'll be back!")
What is AI?
Tutoring should take place there
What is a public area?
This is a crucial step to complete prior to a tutoring session
What is reading the appointment details in WCO?
Upward or PEP
What is the program that SCC is part of that sends tutors and instructors to teach in correctional facilities?
Essays can be reviewed there using this resource
What is Upswing?
It checks for Chat GPT, among other things
What is Turnitin?