True or False
Fill in the blank
Which parent am I?

Parenting styles can vary between children or shift based on a parent's availability and energy levels.



Parents who focus on being friends with their child and set a few rules are practicing _____ parenting.

Permissive Parenting 


I am a parenting style where parents say, 'I am not like a regular mom; I am a cool mom,' and I like letting my kids have fun and do entertaining activities with them



Johnny's parents are frequently flying overseas for business, and over the course of a month, Johnny only sees or talks to them three times due to their busy schedules.



What is permissive parenting? 

Permissive parenting is characterized by being warm and supportive while allowing children significant freedom and minimal structure.


Authoritative parenting involves strict rules with no flexibility for negotiation

False. This is authoritarian parenting, which is characterized by strict rules and high demands with little flexibility or room for negotiation. Authoritative parenting, on the other hand, combines clear rules and expectations with warmth and flexibility, allowing for open discussion and negotiation.


Baumrind offers a model of parenting that includes _____ styles. 

3. Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive 


I am the type of parent who does not attend my daughter's important events because I am busy working and earning for the family.



Damon feels immense pressure and negative stress from his dad, who enforces strict rules and grounds him if he doesn't meet certain academic standards. Damon has started feeling resentful towards his dad because of this rigid approach.

police officer/drill sergeant


Can a single parent exhibit more than one parenting style?

Yes. Parents often display a combination of different parenting styles depending on the situation, the child's needs, or their own experiences. Few parents adhere strictly to a single parenting model; instead, most exhibit a blend of different styles, falling somewhere between them (Carter et al., 2023, parenting styles, para. 1)


Authoritative parenting combines high warmth and responsiveness with high expectations and standards.

True. Authoritative parenting involves both high warmth and responsiveness as well as high expectations and standards, creating a balanced and supportive environment.


Lemasters and Defrain suggest that the _____ style of parenting is the best.

athletic coach style of parenting. 


I am the type of parent who likes balance. I enforce rules with my son regarding his studies to foster positive stress and build a habit of doing his homework, while also providing emotional support and warmth to promote open communication when he is having a hard time.



During her moving up ceremony, Staku was upset about not receiving any awards due to incomplete assignments. Instead of expressing disappointment, her mother, Colet, advised her to improve her efforts to earn an award next year.

Athletic Coach


A parenting program offered in school districts called "Love and Logic" is categorized into which parenting style?

Authoritative parenting


The police officer/drill sergeant type of parent is characterized by reminding the child of past favors to evoke guilt and ensure compliance. 

False. The police officer/drill sergeant type of parent is defined by strict enforcement of rules and control, not by using guilt from past favors. The guilt-driven approach described is more characteristic of The martyr parenting style. 


In __________ parenting, the child may have little self-discipline and may try to test limits with others.

Pal/Permissive. Pal parenting means minimally enforcing limits and limited organization, with parents acting more like friends than as authoritative leaders. Children who struggle with self-control and constantly test boundaries with others may be the result of a lack of defined boundaries and discipline.


When my child does not want to pursue the major we want her to, I remind her of all the hard work I did for her to get her into a prestigious school and emphasize how much I have sacrificed as a parent.



As Sheena's mother, I am concerned after learning from the school principal that none of Sheena's classmates want her as a groupmate because she is manipulative.

Martyr. This behavior is a result of a martyr parenting style.


According to Lemasters and Defrain (1989), why is the "athletic coach" parenting style considered effective or the best?

It emphasizes guiding and advising children rather than intervening directly. Parents play the role of coaches by assisting children in comprehending and handling circumstances, giving them clear guidelines and constructive criticism, and letting them make mistakes and learn from them.


Lemasters and Defrain’s parenting model suggests that parenting styles are primarily designed to meet the developmental needs of the child rather than the psychological needs of the parent.

False. It is primarily designed to meet the psychological needs of the parent rather than the developmental needs of the child. 


The fourth style recognized in Baumrind's theory is called __________ parenting.



I have closely followed expert parenting advice and invested time in reading books and attending seminars to shape my son Mark into what I believe is a perfect child. I frequently tell him how gifted he is compared to his peers.



As the eldest child, I am expected by my parents to take over the family construction business and serve as a role model for my younger siblings, without much consideration of my own career aspirations.



How is parenting defined by Baumrind? 

"It was defined as a normal variation in the parents' attempts to controlling their children and making them socialize."  

Baumrind, D. (1967). Child care practices anteceding three patterns of preschool behavior. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 75(1), 43–88.
