Mom, I am a rich man! If Isys was suddenly a millionaire she would do this first
Build a library
A fanatic since she was little, Isys hopes to one day dedicate a room in her house to this favorite hobby.
Isys graduated high school during this presidential election year.
Oskar and Isys share this astrological sign, known for being moody, secretive, and passionate.
Up and at 'em! Isys is woken up by this before anyone or anything else
Jack the cat yelling for breakfast
If Isys fell down the rabbit hole and joined the Golden After Noon Choir she'd be this flower, commonly found in red, orange, and pink varieties and used to commemorate a holiday around Isys' birthday.
Yeah, she like this beverage...only with her oxygen.
Oh oh oh oh stayin aliiiiiiiive, thanks to Isys who picked up this skill in 2009 through the Red Cross' babysitters course
The soon to be newly weds had some pep in their step from their first date, which was at this local Bangor coffee shop
Grind House
Rise and grind! Isys starts her day with this, skipping a traditional breakfast
Isys has a business proposal set aside for the future where she owns and operates this type of combo shop
Cafe and Bookstore
Where Isys leads, we will follow. To the couch for a marathon of this favorite TV show.
Now proudly holding a BFA Isys switched majors from this in the fall of 2017
Graphic Design
And as the leaves were falling, Oskar and Isys were falling in love. They celebrate their anniversary in this month.
Money, Money, Money! She's out the door and on her way to work, at this historic establishment down town!
Bath Savings Institue
Lover of small cats, if Isys were a big cat, she proclaims she would be this because, "I could use a dog friend...and that's Oskar!"
The dog days are over for this, Isys' favorite singer, but not for you until the question is answered.
Florence Welch/Florence and The Machine
I do believe in fairies, I do! Isys believed she would, and was ready to say I Do! To the main character of this 2003 film
Peter Pan
And I would fly 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more, which is what Oskar did and then some when he proposed here
Life's fully of happy accidents, except for when Isys misplaces these and needs to find them throughout the day
Lost to the lost boys, or maybe doing some pratical hocus pocus, Isys would choose to be this out of a fairy, mermaid, or witch
It's whiskey business ordering this favorite cocktail the way Isys does, but that's that her...
Espresso Martini
Seeing double! In 2018 Isys fulfilled a life-long dream when she met this magical brotherduo at Fan Expo Boston.
The Phelps Twins
Fred and George Weasley
When you know you know, Oskar and Isys officially moved in together when, after several months of just always being together
March, 2020
Make a wish! If you're lucky, you'll find Isys at this spot downtown at noon having her lunch every Friday
The Fountain