Myths and facts
Brain parts

What is the difference between a fear and a phobia?

Fear is a survival mechanism and helps keep us safe from danger. Sometimes people have extreme fears. This kind of fear is called a phobia- an irrational and uncontrollable fear of an object or a situation. People with phobias often try to avoid what they consider to be dangerous because their fear is so strong. Extreme fears can keep people from doing things they'd like to do. 


Do babies exposed to classical music end up smarter?

Although it's tempting to believe, there is no evidence to support the idea that playing classical music to a baby can make the baby smarter. However, most people believed this in the past, and it's called "the Mozart effect". 


How many different psychiatric medications can we list? Do we know what any of them are for? 

Antidepressants: Celexa (citalopram), cymbalta (deloxetine), effexor (venlafaxine), lexapro (escitalopram), zoloft (sertraline) etc. 

Antipsychotics: abilify (aripiprazole), clozaril (clozapine), haldol (haloperidol), seroquel ( quetiapine), zyprexa (olanzapine), etc

Mood stabilizers: lamictal (lamotrigine), lithobid (lithium), depakote (divalproex), etc


What does the amygdala do?

Regulates emotion and memory and is associated with the brain's reward system, stress, and fight or flight response


Do you think birth order affects personality?

answer still unknown


Is coulrophobia (cool-ro-phobia) the fear of... ice cubes, acrobats, air conditioning, or clowns?



Do our brains decline as we get older?

Though some cognitive functions do decline as you get older, plenty of your mental skills actually improve with age. Vocabulary, comprehension, conflict resolution and emotional regulation are just a few areas in which older brains can perform better than their younger counterparts. 


What should you avoid when taking psychiatric medications?

Like all medications, there is potential for interactions with other things you consume. Alcohol, marijuana, herbal supplements, and dietary issues can all impact the effectiveness of medications. Doubt? Ask your doctor


What does the hypothalamus do?

It sends chemical messages that control its function. It regulates body temperature, synchronizes sleep patterns, controls hunger and thirst, and also plays a role in some aspects of memory and emotion. 


What are the 5 core personality traits?

Extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness


Is mysophobia (my-suh-phobia) the fear of..... elevators and escalators, germs and bacteria, earbuds and headphones, or beards and mustaches?

Germs and bacteria


Is it true that "left brained" people are more analytical and methodical, while "right brained" people are creative or artistic?

Nope. There is truth to the idea that some brain functions reside more on one side of the brain than the other. But for more individual personality traits, such as creativity or a tendency toward the rational rather than the intuitive, there has been little or no evidence supporting a residence in one area of the brain. In fact, if you performed a CT scan, MRI scan, or even an autopsy on the brain of a mathematician and compared it to the brain of an artist, it's unlikely you'd find much difference. And if you did the same for 1,000 mathematicians and artists, it's unlikely that any clear pattern of difference in brain structure would emerge. 


What is medication adherence? What are some ways a person can practice this?

Being adherent means following directions or sticking to a plan. The best way to remember something is to make it a part of a daily routine and do it over and over. Take meds at the same time, pair them with something you do every day, put them in a pill box, enroll in a pharmacy automatic refill program, have meds mailed to your home, etc. 


What does the hippocampus do?

It supports memory, learning, navigation and perception of space. 


Where is Galena going for her next vacation?

Wouldn't you like to know


Is Phasmophobia the fear of...... ghouls, werewolves, ghosts, or zombies?



Does alcohol kill brain cells?

Moderate alcohol use doesn't kill brain cells. However, binge drinking or frequent, sustained drinking can damage the ends of neurons, called dendrites. This damage can affect the ability for neurons to convey messages to each other. 


What does it mean when a medicine is used "off-label"? Why are medications used in this way?

It is being used in a way that is not stated in the FDA labeling. Sometimes meds are used for a disease or condition that it is not approved to treat. FDA approval process is long and expensive. They are also used when patients have tried all other medications for a disease. Just because a medication is not FDA approved, it may have been studied for its benefits in that condition. 


(hard) what does the pineal gland do?

It responds to light and dark and secretes melatonin, which regulates circadian rhythms and the sleep wake cycle. 


How can diet affect mental health?

answers will vary


Is brontophobia the fear of.... dinosaurs, fireworks, thunder, or rollercoasters?



Do people have different learning styles?

While teachers may try to structure their classrooms based on students' learning styles, several studies indicate that there is no difference in how people learn. Studies showed that when teachers began to tailor their lessons based on the students' self-reported learning style, there was no significant improvement in test scores. Thoughts?


What is a long-acting injectable medication for and how can it help?

Usually for psychosis, but can also be for mood stabilizers in bipolar disorder. They can help stay on track with a medicine plan. They can also lower the chances of someone going to the hospital when compared to pill medications. They keep a steady level of medicine in the blood, which lowers side-effects. 


What is the prefrontal cortex responsible for?

Executive functioning (decision making, prioritizing, logical thinking, etc). Last to develop, first to leave. 


What is magical thinking?

Answers will vary
