Measured by the number of students, what is the largest college in Illinois with the word 'Chicago' in its full name?
University of Illinois at Chicago
when was Matt's birthday
June 6th 1996
The library of Des Plaines, Illinois's Maine North High School, which had been closed in 1981, was given a second life when it became the principal setting for what popular 1985 film?
The Breakfast Club
What city was matt Born in?
Tokyo, Jpan
Ray Kroc’s first McDonald’s opened in 1955 in what Chicago suburb?
Des Plains
What was the name of the highschool in Ohio Matt Went
Loveland Highschool
Twinkies first invented in 1930 in which IL city?
River Forest
What is Matthew's mothers maiden name
Michelle Perry
What is the state bird of illinois
Northern cardinal
What is Matthew's grandmas name
Judy Perry