Man harkuni ertalab 7 da uyg'onaman
I get up at 7 o'clock every day
Men ayni damda musiqa eshityapman va uy tozalayabman
I am listening to music and cleaning the home at the moment
John allaqachon Amerikaga ketti
John has already gone to America
Anna kecha maktabga bormadi
Anna didn't go to the school yesterday
Men Sentyabrdan beri ingliz tilini o'rganaman
I have learned English since September
U odatda idishlarni yuvmaydi
He doesn't usually wash the dishes
Men hozir dars qilyabman
I am doing a lesson now
Sen qachonlardir Amerikada bo'lganmisan?
Have you ever been to America?
Men 2 kun oldin yangi ko'ylak sotib oldim
I bought a new dress 2 days ago
Ular 2 kundan beri honani bo'yashadi
They have painted the room for 2 days
Men ba'zida moshina haydab turaman
I sometimes drive a car
Ular bugun ovqat pishiryaptilarmi?
Are they cooking a meal today?
Sen qachondan beri Amerikada yashaysan
How long have you lived in America
Sen o'tgan hafta mashina haydadingmi?
Did you drive a car last week?
Meni 2003- yildan beri telefonim bor
I have had a twlephone aince 2003
Men kamdan-kam kitob o'qiyman
I seldom read a book
Sen ayni damda kitob o'qiyabsanmi?
Are you reading a book at the moment?
John hali ham honalarni tozalamadi
John hasn't cleaned the rooms yet
John o'tgan yili maktabga bormadi
John didn't go to school last year
Ular 10 kundan beri gaplashmadi
They haven't spoken for 10 days
Sen qanchalik tez tez multik ko'rasan?
How often do you watch cartoon?
Ayni damda Helen oyisiga yordam beryabdimi?
is Helen helping her mother at the moment?
John hozirgina aeroportga jo'nab ketti
John has just left to the airport
Sen kecha kechqurun kitob o'qidingmi?
Did you read a book last night?
Anna va Tom 28 yildan beri Londonda yashaydi
Ann and Tom have lived in London for 28 years