If we only had time!
Dress to impress!
Call me baby!
How to not break the rules!

1. What is the difference in the number of working days in the week and the number of days in a rotation?



We do this to "create a sense of inclusion and equity amongst all students”

Why do students at PAS have a dress code/uniform?


Where should I put my phone when I arrive in school?

At the entrance next to the supply room

  1. Name the one that doesn’t belong in the PAS Skills for success.

Communication, Collaboration, Excellence, Organization, Thinker, Reflective and Effective



45 minutes

How many minutes do we have for lunch everyday? 


What happens if you don't dress according to PAS dress code?

A behavior log will be added to conduct records, and notification will be sent via SIPAS to families.


What will happen if I am caught with a phone the first time?

  • First offense: The smartphone will be confiscated by school faculty and kept in the administration office until the parents collect it from Campus.

  1. Name the missing Pan American School Value:

Excellence, R…………., Solidarity, Honesty, Respect 




What time do we have to be in homeroom every monday? 


Name 2 changes in the PAS dress code this year.

Sports uniforms can be worn for games only and not during the regular school day.

Hoodies or sweaters need to be black blue.


What will happen if I am caught with a phone the second time?

  • Second offense: The smartphone will be confiscated by school faculty and kept
    in the administration office for 7 school days,
    after which point parents may collect it from Campus.


The Code of Conduct informs us of the following (choose one)

  1. How to get good grades

  2. How to graduate High School

  3. How to join clubs and co curricular activities

  4. How to act in accord with the School’s values and expectations

  5. All of the above

4. How to act in accord with the School’s values and expectations


What is Mr Cortez’s favourite sport? 



These must be white, dark blue or black

What colors need your socks be at PAS?


What will happen if I am caught with a phone for the third time?

  • Third offense: The smartphone will be confiscated by school faculty and
    kept in the administration office for 30 school days, after which point
    parents may collect it from Campus.


If there is an infraction (infracción) to the PAS code of conduct it will result in what?:

  1. Reflecting on behaviour

  2. Understanding ways it can be avoided in the future

  3. Demonstrating you have learned from the experience

  4. All of the above

  5. None of the above

4. All of the above


What is Charly’s lucky number? 



Which color is Ms Yo’s favo color?



What will happen if you bring in a second phone, after yours has been confiscated, or if you refuse to hand over a phone?

  • Repeated offenses: If a student brings another smartphone to school while the initial smartphone is confiscated, the offense will result in immediate Conditional Enrollment. Refusal to hand over the smartphone will also result in Conditional Enrollment and additional consequences as deemed necessary by the administration.


5. What are the steps the school takes before you receive an Office Referral for behaviour or other code of conduct issues?

  1. Written warning, letter home, parent meeting, Office Referral

  2. Email home, detention, lose privileges, Office referral

  3. First teacher intervention, second teacher intervention, Office referral

  4. Interview with the psychologist, letter home, Principal's detention, Office Referral

3. First teacher intervention, second teacher intervention, Office referral
