Where should you look to find your bellwork at the start of each class period?
The SmartBoard.
How much is a test grade worth in my class?
Is any form of plagiarism allowed in my classroom?
How often should you bring your Chromebook to class?
Every day.
How often will we read in class?
Every day.
What do you do if you need to use the restroom?
Raise your hand and ask politely if you can go once called on.
How much is a quiz grade worth in my class?
30% (or 20% if we're being completely technical)
Should you ever share answers from a test with your friends that are in another class period?
Where should your phone be throughout the entire duration of class?
In your backpack.
How often will you have a vocabulary test?
Every other week.
What should you do with your planner at the start of each class period?
Write down the agenda for that day and any important dates then wait for me to check for a parent signature.
What will happen if you do not complete a homework assignment?
You will receive a zero and a check in your planner.
Does using AI count as plagiarism?
Where will you take most of your tests/quizzes?
On your Chromebook, through Canvas.
How many independent reading projects will you have this year?
What should you do when another student is answering a question?
Sit quietly, listen intently, and look at the speaker.
If you are absent for three days, how many days do you have to complete and submit your missing work?
Three days.
What will happen if you cheat on an assignment?
You will receive a zero and your parents will be contacted.
What kind of headphones are allowed in class?
Wired headphones.
Name one place you can find an approved book for an independent reading assignment.
Home, classroom library, in class.
How should you leave the classroom at the end of the period?
Wait for permission to pack up then dismiss when the bell rings. Do not line up at the door!
How many points will be deducted from a project if it is turned in two days late?
50 points.
If you copy someone else's work, but change every third word, is it still considered plagiarism?
Name one thing that can be found on Canvas.
Weekly lesson plans, tests, quizzes classwork assignments, homework, syllabus, bell schedule, announcements with important info, reviews.
Name one of the six standards we will cover over the course of the year.
Reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar, literature, and speaking and listening standards