measurements of business size
significance of small businesses
family + small businesses
business growth
advantages and disadvantages

number of employees

the number of employees hired by a business 

(many employees - larger business

lesser employees - small business)


what is a small and medium business?

(based on number of employees)

small businesses - 11-50 employees

medium businesses - 51-250 employees


family business

businesses that are actively owned and managed by at least two members of the same family


organic/internal growth

expansion of a business by means of opening new branches, shops, and factories


advantage, disadvantage, impact on stakeholders in horizontal integration (any one of each)


- increases market share

- there are potential economies of scale

- scope for rationalising production


- rationalisation may bring bad publicity 

- may be customer opposition to less competition and less choice

- may lead to a monopoly investigation


- consumers have less choice and may have to pay higher prices

- workers may lose job security


revenue / sales turnover + formula

the total value of sales made during the trading period (price x quantity)


role of small businesses in the industry

- specialist services (research, tech support, repair, maintenance facilities)

- to undertake functions that the larger businesses wants to buy in rather than undertake itself


strengths of family businesses (any two)

- commitment

- pride and reliability

- knowledge continuity


external growth + an example

business expansion achieved by integrating with another business by either merger or takeover


advantage, disadvantage, impact on stakeholders in forward vertical integration (any two of each) 


- able to control promotion and pricing of its products

- gives a secure outlet for the products 


- consumers may suspect an attempt to act uncompetitively and react negatively

- business may lack experience in this sector of the industry


- workers may have greater job security

- there may be more varied career options


capital employed + examples

the total value of all long-term finance invested in the business


what is a small and medium business?

(based on revenue and capital employed)


small businesses - over €2m to €10m

medium businesses - over €10m to €50m

capital employed:

small businesses - over €2m to €10m

medium businesses - over €10m to €34m


weaknesses of family businesses (any three)

- lack of continuity/succession

- informality

- tradition

- conflict


mergers and takeovers + their alternate names

mergers : an agreement by owners and managers of two businesses to bring in together in a new combined business, also called as friendly mergers

takeovers: when a company buys more than 50% of the shares of another company and becomes its controlling owner, also called an acquisition


advantage, disadvantage, impact on stakeholders in backward vertical integration (any three of each)


- gives control over quality, price, and delivery times of supplies

- encourages joint research and development

- business may now control supplies of materials to competitors


- business may lack experience of managing a supplying company

- supplying business may become complacent due to having a guaranteed customer


- workers may have more career opportunities

- consumers may obtain improved quality and more innovative products

- profit might rise to benefit shareholders

- control over supplies to competitors may limit competition and choice for consumers


market capitalisation + formula

the total value of a company's issued shares 

market capitalisation = current share price x total number of shares issued


role of small businesses in the economy

- generate economic growth

- employment

- innovative

- create competition for other companies


disadvantages of small businesses (any 4)

- limited access to finance

- large burden of responsibility on owner

- other employees may not have the skills to operate the business if the owner is absent

- may not be diversified

define the four types of external growth 

horizontal integration- integration with a business in the same industry and at the same stage of production

forward vertical integration- vertical integration with a customer business

backward vertical integration - vertical integration with a supplier business

conglomerate integration - integration with a business in a different industry


advantage, disadvantage, impact on stakeholders in conglomerate integration (all)


- it diversifies the business away from its original markets

- spreads risk and may take the business into a faster-growing market


- may be a lack of management experience in the acquired business sector

- could be a lack of clear focus and direction now that business is spread across more than one industry


- more career opportunities for workers

- may be more job security

- profits could rise to benefit more shareholders


market share + formula

sales of the business as a proportion of total market sales

market share = total sales of the business / total sales of industry x 100


name any five countries that have many SMEs?

India, Indonesia, Nigeria, the United States, Bangladesh, Brazil, Japan, Mexico, Italy, Egypt


advantages of small businesses (any 5)

- little risk of losing control

- able to adapt quickly to changing consumer needs

- easy to build customer loyalty

- easy to know each worker

- well-motivated employees due to informal work culture

- can be started up and operated w/ low investment

define strategic alliances and state three organisations which a business might form an alliance with and why

a strategic alliance is an agreement between two organisations to commit resources to achieving a specific objective while remaining independent 

three organisations: a university (finance), a supplier (raw materials), a competitor (reduce risks)


state the problems of growth through mergers and takeovers and give the possible strategies to overcome the problems (two financial and two managerial)


- takeovers can be very costly stretching financial resources of the business (strategy: use of internal sources of finance)

- additional fixed capital and working capital will be required (strategy: raise finance from share issues)

- could lead to negative cash flow and an increase in long-term borrowing (strategy: offer shares, not cash, to pay for a takeover)


- existing management may be unable to cope with the problems of controlling an operation which may have doubled in size (strategy: new management systems and structures are required)

- there may be a lack of coordination between the divisions of an expanding business (strategy: a decentralised policy could provide motivated managers with a clear local focus)

- the culture clash between the two management teams may be very great (strategy: a new management culture needs to be put into place rapidly)
