To be answered within the first 5 minutes of class in Google classroom.
What is the Focus Question?
Arriving to class before tardy bell.
Be on time
Type of outer wear that is not allowed in the school.
Trench Coat
Must be taken if leaving the classroom during class.
Hall Pass
Something said to Ms. Butler before entering her classroom.
A greeting of good will
Rule number 1 for conduct in the classroom.
Being responsible and respectful
Clothing item that is not allowed to be exposed.
The use of words that are considered socially offensive because they are vulgar, obscene, or irreverent are not tolerated in the classroom.
Cursing or profanity
Must be filled out with first and last name before exiting the classroom.
Sign out sheet
Chromebook charged, paper, and pencil/pen on desk.
Being prepared
Not permitted and allows more of a person's body to be seen than is usual.
Anatomically revealing clothing
Items that are never allowed to be used in the classroom without permission
Phones and Airpods