Where are the Counselling mailboxes located?
Library and Outside the Nurse Station
Share two self-care strategies with us!
All ideas are welcome.
When is the self-referral time for students?
12:45 - 1:45 pm
What are the common domains of the early signs when monitoring the students?
Emotional signs
Social signs
Behavioural/ Physical signs
Name at least two services or activities we provided.
Welcoming activity, new student check-ins, individual counselling, group counselling
Name one example of early signs in the social aspect.
Isolation among peers
Suspicious bullying situations
ESC counselling centre services are for students and staff. (T/F)
False. (ESC counselling centre services are mainly for students. Staff can refer to EAP Resources.)
Share one practical strategy that could support the students when they show early signs.
All ideas are welcome.