What is the appropriate title for counselors in a school setting?
School Counselors
What does BHT stand for?
Behavioral Health Team
What does PLT stand for?
Postsecondary Leadership Team
What does CIWP stand for?
Continuous Improvement Work Plan
Student came to school with bruises on his arm, he says it's nothing but in the past he has talked about disturbances at home. You want to support the student but your gut feeling is that there is more to the situation. What is your direct responsibility in the situation?
Mandated Reporter responsibilities
What does ASCA stand for?
American School Counselor Association
How do you submit a behavioral health team referral?
Complete the BHT Google Form
What is the Purpose of PLT?
Support all student postsecondary attainment
True or False: Counselors only work on their own school counseling goals.
False; school counselors create goals in connection with the CIWP.
True or False: If a student discloses self-harm but said they'd never do it again because it only happened once when they broke up with their partner, you don't have to tell anyone.
False: ALL mentions of suicidal/homicidal ideation or related risky behaviors must be reported to Counselors and/or Social Workers asap.
What is the recommended student to school counselor ratio?
True or False: A student can work with their School Counselor for long-term therapy?
False: Short-term in school, long-term requires an outside referral process.
Who is involved in supporting postsecondary work within North-Grand?
Everyone! Schoolwide initiative:
Counseling / Postsec Team
All Teachers
All Staff
Partner Organizations
True or False: The current CIWP goals connect to all 3 school counseling domains.
A student who confides in you often says that their family had to move in with their aunt recently and has had a hard time sleeping. What should you do?
Refer them to STLS liaisons (Ms. Ramirez, Ms. Lopez, and Ms. Martinez-Santana)
What are the three counseling domains?
Academic, Social Emotional, Postsecondary
True or False: BHT is responsible for correcting all student behavior
False: BHT is responsible for assigning students interventions based on the presenting concern.
What are the 6 postsecondary pathways?
College, Trades, Military, Employment, Apprenticeship, Gap year program
Name at least 2 target groups the CIWP focuses on
ELLs, AA Male, Students w/IEP
Student communicates with you that she wants to get a schedule change. If it is an acceptable request what are the proper steps she should follow?
Complete Schedule change request form and wait for a response from counselors
What is an example of a tier 1, tier 2, tier 3 counseling service?
Tier 1: Classroom Lessons
Tier 2: Small Groups
Tier 3: Individual Counseling
What is an SDQ?
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire that teachers have to complete when a student is referred.
What are the three main factors students need to consider when making post secondary decisions?
Match, Fit, Affordability
What School Counseling domain does this CIWP goal align with?
Goal: We will particularly monitor the average GPA's of our priority groups as a measure of how students are demonstrating mastery of coursework at North-Grand. The goal is to show a significant authentic increase in student GPA's (SY22-23 EOY average is 2.55 overall), particularly the GPA's of our students with diverse learning needs, and our African American male students.
You want to know more about a student’s personal life, can you ask their assigned School Counselor to give you more details?
No, because of confidentiality laws.