If a student is struggling in a subject or failing a class, who should be notified by phone?
the parent
Attendance should be taken at what time each day?
9:35 a.m.
If you plan to take a half day off of work, how many hours do you take off in Skyward?
4 hours
Mrs. Ardoin would like to use her staff bucks to buy a drink. Where does she go to do this?
Franz's office
At student arrives at 8:35 and gets breakfast, where should they eat it?
Take to class
A student's report card should reflect a minimum of __ grades for each subject.
A parent dojos the teacher that Johnny is has the flu and will be out the next 2 days. Who do you notify?
Mindi Lightfoot
You have a doctor's appointment next month and need to take off, you will fill out an Absent from Duty form outside of Joy's office that is what color?
Mrs. Delgado gets behind a tractor on the way to work and realizes she will be late, who should she notify?
Team leader, Sciba, Franz
Mrs. Rios would like something printed in color, what should she do?
email what she would like copied to Franz
A student is wearing revealing clothing, what do you do?
Send him/her to the nurse
What time are morning announcements?
9:35 a.m. (after the attendance bell)
An Absent from Duty form should be filled out a minimum of ___ days before the requested absence.
Jack Macha is in 7th grade and rides the shuttle to Holleman after school. Where will he go when he arrives until dismissal announcements?
Mrs. Corral jams the copier, what should she do?
notify Franz
Where would a student go to get a loaner device?
What time are teachers picking up students from the cafeteria?
You need to leave 30 minutes early next week for a dentist appointment. You can locate a green Late Arrival/Early Leave Request form where?
Sarah in Mrs. Goodman's class is a bus rider. Sarah tells her teacher that her mom told her she will be a car rider today. What should Mrs. Goodman do?
Call the office. If there is not a note, the student will need to go home their normal route.
What is the new district system called for teachers to complete Technology requests?
S.T.A.R. Students (replaced PAWS) celebrates students who showed growth for the grading period. What does S.T.A.R. stand for?
Students That Are Rising
If a correction needs to be made to a student's attendance after the window has closed what should the teacher do?
Your child is sick and you won't be in tomorrow, who do you text?
Team Leader, Sciba, Franz
Mrs. Rusie is an awesome partner and Ms. Bonner would like to give her a Staff Shout Out. Where can she go to do this?
Holleman Happenings
What day can you wear jeans if you pay your Hospitality fee?