Where does your backpack go?
In your cubby
What side of the hallway should you walk on?
Right side. Clockwise around the library.
Is bathroom time social time?
NO! Pee time is me time :)
How many recesses do we have each day?
What chromebook should you use?
The one assigned to you
Where do you go first thing when the bell rings?
Straight to class. If eating breakfast, go straight to the cafeteria.
What voice level should you use in the hallway?
Level 0
How should you ask to go to the bathroom?
Use the hand signal
What is the voice level expectation at recess?
4 or below. We are not screaming at recess.
Should there be any food or drinks around your chromebook?
No. Keep it clean.
What time do the doors open and what time does school start?
Doors open at 8:30
School starts at 8:45
What should your body be doing in the hallway?
Facing forward, hands, feet, and body to yourself.
What is the voice level expectation in the bathroom?
0 unless absolutely necessary, then it's a 1
What are some expectations for yourself at recess?
Hands, feet, and body to self. Include everyone. Have a safe body.
What are the cell phone and smart watch expectations?
Turned off and in your backpack before 8:45 every morning.
Before we leave, what should be done?
Floors clean. All materials put away. Chromebooks plugged in.
When transitioning to different areas of the building, what do we do?
Walk on the right side of the hallway at a level 0; clockwise around the library. Stop at designated stopping places.
How long should you wash your hands?
20 seconds
What do the number of whistle blows mean?
1 whistle = freeze
3 whistle = line up
Where will you find the supplies you need on a regular basis?
In your pencil pouch
What do we do at dismissal?
Pick Up Patrol. Sit in classroom and wait until name is called and leave through the correct door.
What should be touching the walls?
Nothing but papers and teacher's decorations.
How many paper towels should you take?
What are the expectations for the equipment?
No jumping off equipment, including swings.
Down the slide only.
Swing forward and back only, sit on pockets.
No tag or touch football.
No balls on equipment.
No tumbling/stunts.
No feet above head or sitting on top of monkey bars.
What should you be on when on your chromebook?
School appropriate websites and only what your teacher has asked you to be on.