Must be in the open position for tests
what is the self-check standard
This is used to excite the molecules in a sample
what is the laser
These 2 items must be worn when conducting tests
what are gloves and safety eyewear
A black plastic cap that helps to hold sample materials in position for a scan
what is the nose cone
What is actually analysed by the trunarc during testing
what is a light spectrum
The safety zone recommended to protect your eyes
what is 120 cm
This light is activated when the analyser is in use
what is the laser indicator light
The reference contained in the trunarc
what is internal library
The safety zone recommended to protect your skin
what is 10 cm
The 3 buttons used to select menu options
what are keys
Testing can be done through these materials
what are clear plastic and glass
Do not scan these
what are dark materials
The 2 cables that connect to the USB connector
What are the AC adapter cable and USB cable.
This is required to prosecute matters in court
what is forensic analysis
The minimum requirements of the safety eyewear
what is optical density 3